News Archive
Noss Primary School, Wick Helping Kids in Malawi
Money for Malawi - Noss Primary School Click over to the Noss Primary School For More Photos - HERE As well as our sponsored ‘Water Walk' next Wednesday and our Malawi display which you can visit on the Open Afternoon and parents' evenings, we are collecting loose change to try to cover a map of Africa we have set up in the library area. If you have any 5p, 2ps or 1ps lying around, please send them in with your child so they can put them on the map.14/9/2017
Day of action at Caithness bird haven
After an extremely busy breeding season, most of the nesting birds have now left St Johns Pool, near Dunnet which gave the Caithness Countryside Volunteers the ideal opportunity to get into action before the winter migrants begin to arrive. The volunteers undertook a range of activities such as wood preserving the viewing hides and fence posts.[Children]
13/9/2017We are recruiting new Trustees At HomeStart Caithness
Can you spare a couple of hours a month to help change lives? The role of the Trustee. You may bring a particular expertise to the board, such as professional skills in finance, IT, business, personnel management or marketing and PR, but equally as important are listening and communication skills, commitment and common sense.13/9/2017
All The Stations - Inverness to Wick
It's the 19th August, and we're at the end ... the very last day and there's only one line to do to finish off the whole trip! We take the train from Inverness up to Wick, but don't worry we do of course speak to people along the way, and there's even a castle...13/9/2017
Attractions of Wick On the John O'Groat Trail - Can You Help?
As some of you might know the John O Groat trail is hoping to be officially opened next year. The trail will pass through Wick and it was thought that this would be an opportunity to showcase the attractions of Wick for the visiting walkers, those driving the NC500 and others visiting the area.13/9/2017
Nuisance calls action plan
New measures introduced to tackle nuisance and scam callers. A £50,000 fund to install call-blocking technology for those most at risk from nuisance calls was announced today by Economy Secretary Keith Brown.12/9/2017
Highland events during Climate Week
Climate Week 2017 takes place from 18-22 September and is a national campaign to raise awareness of, and inspire action on, climate change. Climate change is recognised as one of the key priorities in The Highland Council Programme 2017-2022.11/9/2017
PLAYDEN NURSERY Is your child 2½ year old?
Is your child 2½ year old? Would they like to come and have some fun with us? We have spaces available in our sessions and you can choose to attend how many you would like. Whether it's to get your child familiar with the nursery environment, to get some jobs done or even for you to enjoy some quiet time, we can offer a broad range of pre-school experiences.10/9/2017
Comments From The CHAT Postcard Campaign
The CHAT postcard campaign has now moved on with the first batch of 1000 postcards sent ot the First Minister. Here are some sample comments from the postcards.8/9/2017
Save The Town and County Hospital in Caithness - Sign The Petition
The Town & County Hospital, Wick is under threat of closure. This hospital offers 8 beds for frail, elderly and young disabled patients.[Children]
8/9/2017Kiltwalk Man Raising Money For HomeStart Caithness
Robert Smith has signed up for the Kilt Walk in Edinburgh on September 17th to raise money in aid of Home-Start Caithness. "I spent my childhood in Caithness and have decided to support their local branch of Home-Start.7/9/2017
CHAT sends first batch of 1,000 protest postcards to First Minister
Caithness Health Action Team (CHAT) has gathered 2,410 postcards from members of the public protesting the centralisation of health services under NHS Highland. The postcards carry the slogan ‘100 miles too far' in reference to the 100 mile journey patients frequently have to travel to receive basic care.7/9/2017
The John O' Groats Mill - Open Weekend - 9th and 10th September
Everyone in our community is aware of the mill at Groats - we've all driven past it, some of us daily. It's very much a local landmark.7/9/2017
Motion to address acute mental health service concerns at Highland Council
The Highland Council has unanimously agreed a motion to hold a meeting to discuss concerns regarding the future of acute mental health services in the Highlands. The motion which was signed by Councillor Richard Laird, Councillor Muriel Cockburn and Councillor Maxine Smith states:"Highland Mental Health Services - The Highland Council notes with concern recent restrictions on admissions to New Craigs Hospital following “extreme staffing pressures" and further notes concerning feedback at the provision of emergency psychiatric services in the Highlands.6/9/2017
Colin Campbell loaded on Youtube in February 2017
For Colin Campbell fans - a recording you may not have seen before but still as funny as ever..5/9/2017
Wick Riverside Volunteers Making a Huge Difference - Want to Help?
As communities in Highland and indeed Scotland get left to do more in their areas one group is showing the way. Wick Riverside Volunteers have already changed the look of several areas around the riverside and you can see the before and after photos on their Facebook page Dorren Gow a volunteer with the group sent some photos from last weekend and said,"We were given lots of tar planings from Highland Council roads dept for improving the paths, and GMR Hendersons supplied equipment and manpower last weekend.5/9/2017
Mapping the Ecosystem Services of Noss Head and East Caithness Cliffs - Workshop
There are still a couple of places remaining for the ‘Mapping the Ecosystem Services of Noss Head and East Caithness Cliffs' participatory workshop at the Pulteney Centre in Wick on Thursday 7th September. The event is free to attend and lunch will be provided.5/9/2017
Wick Trail Group Meeting 20th September 2017
As some of you might know the John O Groat trail is hoping to be officially opened next year. The trail will pass through Wick and it was thought that this would be an opportunity to showcase the attractions of Wick for the visiting walkers, those driving the NC500 and others visiting the area.4/9/2017
Alexander 'Sandy' Manson born 1st August 1924 died 22nd August 2017
Alexander 'Sandy' Manson, John O'Groats postmaster and Arctic Convoys veteran. Born 01/08.1924, died 22.08.2017, both at John O'Groats, Caithness.4/9/2017