Churches News
20/5/2024Wick St Fergus Church To Close And Merge
On Tuesday, 14th May2024, the convener of the Mission Planning Committee, Monika Redman of Cleir Eilean I (the new Presbytery for Highlands and Islands ) met with members of our congregation to unveil the new Presbytery plan as it affects Wick St Fergus Church. Not everyone could attend hence this short statement.[Churches]
5/1/2020Sunday School and Youth Group In Wick
Wednesday 18th December . 4.00pm..
22/7/2019The McDonald Collection - Wick photo exhibition
HUNDREDS of photographs of Wick life spanning more than half a century are to go on show during the town's gala week. They will form an exhibition called The McDonald Collection being held at the St Fergus Church Hall for one day only on Wednesday, 31st July 2019.
23/4/2019Wick Baptist Church Opening Times
See poster..
23/4/2019Wick and Keiss Baptist Church Sunday School Times
See poster..
9/2/2019New Book Out Soon - A History of Wick and Keiss Baptist Church
The book is titled "A History of Wick and Keiss Baptist Church". It will first be available to purchase on the evening of Thursday the 14th of February 2019 at Wick Heritage Museum at a talk by archivist Gordon Reid, titled "Ganseys- their art, craft and Caithness traditions", which will commence at 7pm.
5/11/2018Armistice 100 - St John's Wick
On 11 November 2018, 100 years since Armistice, bells will ring out in unison from churches and cathedrals in villages, towns and cities across the country. As part of "Her Majesty's Government" ambition for Bells to ring out at 12.30pm on the 11th of November, to commemorate the centenary of the Armistice, which signalled the end of the First World War, a team of some of the Poltney Bell Ringers will join the congregation of St John's Scottish Episcopal Church, Moray Street, Wick on Sunday 11th November 2018.[Churches]
10/12/2017Christmas Tree Display
The annual display of Christmas Trees at St Fergus church, Wick by community groups has grown to its largest yet. Several groups had people on hand to explain what their groups do and what a huge variety there was even though there are many more groups out there.
9/10/2017Wedding Dresses Display Cash Handed Over To CHAT
Rev. John Nugent the minister at St Fergus Church handed over £794 from the Wedding Dresses display by the ladies at St Fergus Church, Wick.
Wedding Dresses Display At St Fergus Church, Wick in aid of CHAT Funds
The ladies of St Fergus church rallied round to help Caithness Health Action Team (CHAT) with yet another fund raiser. Each year they choose a cause to support either abroad or local This year they decide to help CHAT in their efforts to stop continued reduction in local health services by NHS Highland.
20/4/2014Church to display historical stone 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Thurso has received a fibre glass replica of a historical stone, which will be displayed on Saturday, 26 April from 1-5pm during free tours of the new Thurso meeting house. The stone was originally part of a building in Stirling, where its inscription, ‘What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part,’ inspired a young man named David Oman McKay as he struggled with homesickness.
1/3/2014After 50 years, a church of their own . . . a church to call home
Barbara Haywood chuckles as she remembers one particularly memorable Sunday. Members of her church were meeting in the Thurso Youth Center, which also was a hostel at the time.