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Wick St Fergus Church To Close And Merge

20th May 2024

On Tuesday, 14th May2024, the convener of the Mission Planning Committee, Monika Redman of Cleir Eilean I (the new Presbytery for Highlands and Islands ) met with members of our congregation to unveil the new Presbytery plan as it affects Wick St Fergus Church. Not everyone could attend hence this short statement.

Due to dwindling congregations in large church buildings like our one, and a shortage of ministers, radical changes are necessary or the Church of Scotland will be unable to carry on. Efforts to firm up a future plan for Caithness date back at least six years. We should note The General Trustees of the Church of Scotland have already cut the staff in their Edinburgh office by 30%.

In the plan Wick St Fergus Church building as a place of worship is to close with a tentative date at the end of this year. Our congregation is to be united with Pulteneytown Parish Church and in future is to link or unite with Pentland Parish and eventually with St Peters and St Andrews in Thurso.

The days of one minister, one church are gone. The new North East Coast parish will have two ministers and a mission development worker working as a team.

For many of you and those who have attended worship here in the past this is sad news. The decision to close our church was not taken lightly by the Mission Planning Committee, and they sympathise with those who will be upset. Difficult decisions have had to be made and though it may be small comfort we are not alone in losing our place of worship.

Our Sunday Services will continue as before at 11.30 am and all are welcome to join us in praise until closure is upon us.


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