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News Archive

Highland Senior Citizens Network - January Newsletter
Newsletter January 2013 Happy New Year to all! This year looks like being even busier than last for the committee AND for all our members as we get more actively involved in planning and monitoring services for older people across the Highlands.  ‘Nothing about us without us’ has to be more than a slogan.  
Some Highlights of Natural History in 2010
Article from Caithness Field Club Bulletin 2011 Some Highlights of Natural History in 2010 (by Bob Dawson, Ken Butler and Donald Omand) The Great Yellow Bumblebee (Bombus distinguendus) in Caithness in 2010 (by Bob Dawson) (Bob Dawson is the Scottish Conservation Officer for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust – Ed) Summary This was a very successful year, although the season was about two weeks later than last year.   Many more people reported seeing, and are now more familiar with, the Great Yellow Bumblebee.  
Improving diabetic foot careThumbnail for article : Improving diabetic foot care
People with diabetes across Scotland are to receive new feet checks in hospital as the latest figures reveal over 1,350 Scots have lost a leg due to the illness.   Diabetes is the leading cause of lower-limb amputation as it reduces the amount of blood reaching the feet, leading to a loss of sensation and gangrene.  
Last chance to submit nominations for Scottish Education Awards 2013
People in the Highlands are being urged to enter local schools, nurseries or individuals into the Scottish Education Awards 2013 before the deadline for submissions on Friday 22 February 2013.   The awards, which celebrate the achievements of schools and teachers across Scotland, have attracted hundreds of nominations so far but many more schools and individuals are worthy of acknowledgment.  
Internet Safety - Think U Know and Other LinksThumbnail for article : Internet Safety - Think U Know and Other Links
There are many web sites giving advice on a range of related topics connected to safety online.   With Internet Safety Day on 5th February 2013 it might pay for parents, teachers, youth workers and indeed all of us to consider looking at one or two.  
Safer Internet Day 2013 - 5th February - Facebook?Thumbnail for article : Safer Internet Day 2013 - 5th February - Facebook?
Have you ever wanted to ask why Facebook is only for over 13’s? Or find out what the next “Big Thing” will be in the tech world? Well now you can.   This year, Safer Internet Day Radio is offering you the chance to put your questions to an expert panel including Kate Russell, one of the UK’s favourite Technology Journalists, [AT]katerussell, A policy representative from Facebook, and our own Helpline amongst others.  
Safer Internet Day 2013 - 5th FebruaryThumbnail for article : Safer Internet Day 2013 - 5th February
The theme for Safer Internet Day 2013 is Online Rights and Responsibilities with the slogan “Connect with Respect”.  Safer Internet Day 2013 will take place on 5th February, and this will be the tenth anniversary of the event.  
Highland Dancing Outfit SaleThumbnail for article : Highland Dancing Outfit Sale
Elise Lyall School Of Dancing Saturday 2nd February 2.00 - 4.00pm Wick Assembly Rooms Everyone who is involved in Highland dancing has outfits that they are trying to sell or are looking for second hand outfits to buy! This is a chance for people to bring along any outfits, pumps, jig shoes etc you have to sell all clearly labelled with contact info and price.  ~~~~~~~~~~~ Entry Fee - £2.00 (includes refreshments) Baking and bottle stalls will be there raising money for 2013 Canada trip! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfortunately we are not able to take responsibility for any outfits; it is up to the seller to look after their own outfits on the day.  
New guide published to help communities manage funds
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has published a new guide providing advice to community organisations for managing funds generated from renewable energy projects.   As an economic development agency with a particular and unique remit to strengthen communities, HIE recognises the importance of this opportunity.  
Plight of the BumblebeeThumbnail for article : Plight of the Bumblebee
Last week David Stewart signed up to Scottish Environment LINK’s ‘Wildlife Proclamation’ to become a wildlife champion.  By signing up Mr Stewart is promising to work with the organisation to make Scotland and the Highlands and Islands a better place for wildlife.  
Celebrities call on Scotland to get Red Nose Day ready!Thumbnail for article : Celebrities call on Scotland to get Red Nose Day ready!
Today (Thursday 31st January) Comic Relief can exclusively reveal new details about this year’s Red Nose Day campaign, with information about this year’s Noses, T-shirt designs and the big night of TV released for the first time.   Jessie J, Stella McCartney, One Direction, the team currently battling the Zambezi and many more celebrities are all doing their bit for this year’s Red Nose Day and now it’s time for everyone in the UK to buy their Nose and get ready for a bumper Red Nose Day, in this its 25th year.  
Donation from Castletown woman is pleasant suprise for heart support groupThumbnail for article : Donation from Castletown woman is pleasant suprise for heart support group
Caithness Heart Suport Group found itself on the receiving end of a surprise donation at their latest handover of medical equipment to the county’s hospital.   The group had just presented Caithness General with a new ECG machine when they were asked to accept a £100 gift by one of the nursing staff.  
More On Save The World's Bees Campaign by Avaaz
Dear friends, Bees around the world are dying off and Europe’s food watchdog just said certain pesticides are part of the problem.  We’ve got 24 hours before key meetings -- let’s get a 2-million-person swarm to save the bees.  
Lift-share scheme kicked into action by footballersThumbnail for article : Lift-share scheme kicked into action by footballers
Some of the biggest names in Highland football have teamed up with a local community group to help fans cut car use and beat traffic jams on the Kessock Bridge.   A new website will help people get together to travel to work or to events such as shows and football matches.  
Caithness Charrettes Launched - ThursoThumbnail for article : Caithness Charrettes Launched - Thurso
Last week saw the launch of major public events known as Charrettes which will give local people in Wick and Thurso the opportunity to shape the future of their towns.  Representatives from a wide range of groups with varied interests attended a launch event on Wednesday in Thurso and Thursday in Wick to find out how to get involved in the Charrette events which run from 21st – 27th February.  
Save The World's Bees - Sign The AVAAZ PetitionThumbnail for article : Save The World's Bees - Sign The AVAAZ Petition
Bees around the world are dying off and Europe’s food watchdog just said certain pesticides are part of the problem.  We’ve got 48 hours before key meetings -- let’s get a 2-million-person swarm to save the bees.  
Caithness At War - From The Highland ArchiveThumbnail for article : Caithness At War - From The Highland Archive
A great series being published regularly at the moment at the Highland Archive web site.   Week 22: 29 January-4 February 1940 29 January 1940 On 1 February the Winter War entered its final phase when Russian forces launched a major offensive against the Finnish forces defending the Karelian Isthmus, putting them under severe pressure.  
Caithness Charrettes Launched - WickThumbnail for article : Caithness Charrettes Launched - Wick
Last week saw the launch of major public events known as Charrettes which will give local people in Wick and Thurso the opportunity to shape the future of their towns.  Representatives from a wide range of groups with varied interests attended a launch event on Wednesday in Thurso and Thursday in Wick to find out how to get involved in the Charrette events which run from 21st – 27th February.  
Pulteneytown Academy Pupils Promote Glass Recycling CompetitionThumbnail for article : Pulteneytown Academy Pupils Promote Glass Recycling Competition
Households in Caithness are being encouraged to recycle their glass bottles and jars and be in with a chance of winning a £20 voucher for cinema tickets.   Pupils from Pulteneytown Academy Primary in Wick launched the competition which is promoting five £20 vouchers to be won, courtesy of The Thurso Cinema.  
The Moorland Mission Churches of Caithness (by George Watson)
This article was first published in the Caithness Field Club Bulletin 2011.   Today there are few traces of the active missionary movement which once transcended parish and county boundaries to cater for a surprisingly large population in the moorland areas of Caithness.