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News Archive

Do You Need Some Financial Help For Educational Purposes And Live in Caithness?
If you live in Caithness small grants are available for wide range or educational purposes and course.   Check it out.  
Scottish sharks to be tracked for a second year
Scientists are to extend a popular basking shark tracking project for another year, it was announced today.   For the last seven months the public have been able to follow the progress of eight of the giant sharks online, after they were tagged off the west coast of Scotland in July last year.  
SNH Natural Knowhow Delivers Fun FactsThumbnail for article : SNH Natural Knowhow Delivers Fun Facts
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is stockpiling a long list of odd and fascinating facts about nature and then sharing them through social media.   The idea is part of the 2013 Year of Natural Scotland celebrations The facts include the oldest tree in Scotland, the mammal that eats 3000 midges a night, the plant only found in Scotland, and evidence of the largest meteor to hit Britain.  
Wild Skies Weekend 15th - 16th MarchThumbnail for article : Wild Skies Weekend 15th  - 16th March
"In mid March Caithness Astronomy Group have a weekend of free events planned for skywatchers in the far North of Scotland.  The highlights include two public talks by Professor Andy Lawrence of Edinburgh University and the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, and the chance to view a comet in the twilight sky after sunset.  
New Playpark at KeissThumbnail for article : New Playpark at Keiss
The new playpark at Keiss opened recently after lots of fund raising and grant applications by a local committee.   the new area has plenty to keep the kids occupied and the area has been generously covered in safety matting with grass growing through it to make for softer landings after slips and falls..  
Caithness Science Festival 2013 - ProgrammeThumbnail for article : Caithness Science Festival 2013 - Programme
A wide range of events are being staged for the Caithness International Science Festival 2013..  
Whale and Dolphin Shorewatch - Join InThumbnail for article : Whale and Dolphin Shorewatch - Join In
You can help with the whale and dolphin watch by going to the training course on 24th March..  
Caithness Heart Support Group Donates Digital ScalesThumbnail for article : Caithness Heart Support Group Donates Digital Scales
CAITHNESS Heart Support Group secretary, Marjorie Donaldson checks out the digital scales before they were handed over to the Pearson Practice at Wick medical centre.   The scales were the latest item to be funded by the group which also handed over a blood pressure monitor.  
Caithness Science Festival 2013Thumbnail for article : Caithness Science Festival 2013
A science quiz is currently running in Wick Library.   Entry forms are available from the Festival display in the lobby and the first correct entry drawn from the box will win a copy of The Ultimate Bookof Science; An "Art of Science" project is running at the St Fergus Gallery.  
Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pennyland SchoolThumbnail for article : Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pennyland School
Many schools across the Highland region took part in Wacky Woolly Wednesday to highlight climate change.  Schools were turning down the heat slightly and children wore wacky Woollies to keep warm.  
Communities and Families FundThumbnail for article : Communities and Families Fund
Up to £10,000 available for groups working in your community.   If you need funding to help give families and children the best start in life then it’s easier than you think! What is it? The Communities and Families Fund is a grants programme funded jointly by the Scottish Government and the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland.  
New Opportunities for SVQ Qualifications In Wick
Pulteneytown People’s Project are offering a unique opportunity for people who would like to train to work in the following fields; Childcare Health and Social Care Business Administration PPP have secured funding from the Highland Councils Deprived Area Fund to deliver Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ’s).  These opportunities are open to anyone over the age of 16 whether they are employed or unemployed.  
International School Meals Day TodayThumbnail for article : International School Meals Day Today
Today (8th March 2013) is International School Meals Day.   Since December 2010, the UK and USA have been sharing examples of policy and practices in promoting healthy eating in schools.  
Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pulteneytown AcademyThumbnail for article : Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pulteneytown Academy
Pupils at Pulteneytown Academy, Wick marked Climate Week yesterday (6 March 2013) by taking part in The Highland Council's Wacky Woolly Wednesday.   The jumpers were needed in schools and offices where the temperature was turned down by 1 degree to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.  
Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Mount Pleasant Primary SchoolThumbnail for article : Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Mount Pleasant Primary School
Many schools across the Highland region took part in Wacky Woolly Wednesday to highlight climate change.   Schools were turning down the heat slightly and children wore wacky Woollies to keep warm.  
TAKE 30, the Ramblers Scotland guide to walking for health and fitness
Ramblers Scotland is today launching TAKE 30, a campaign to support the UK Chief Medical Officers’ recommendation that we should all be aiming to take at least 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 times a week.   TAKE 30 supports GPs as they encourage their patients to be more active in the NHS Health Scotland led pilot being launched by the Minister of Commonwealth Games and Sport this Thursday and is endorsed by Dr Andrew Murray, the Scottish Government’s physical activity champion and the Royal College of General Practitioners.  
TV Scientist Tackles TicksThumbnail for article : TV Scientist Tackles Ticks
As the weather gets warmer, ticks become more active and are more likely to bite you and your pets? Being out in the countryside or even town parks and gardens where wildlife is present may put you and your pets at risk from tick bites? Around 3,000 people in the UK contract Lyme disease (Borreliosis) from a tick bite each year? Recent research suggests that the prevalence of Lyme disease bacteria in the UK tick population is considerably higher than previously thought? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internationally renowned entomologist and Channel 4 ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ science presenter, Dr.  James Logan, is leading the campaign to tackle tick-borne disease in the UK.  
Caithness At War 4 - 10 March 1940 - Highland ArchiveThumbnail for article : Caithness At War 4 - 10 March 1940 - Highland Archive
On Tuesday 5 March, facing defeat and with Soviet armies attacking the city of Viipuri and threatening Helsinki, the Finns finally entered into negotiations with Russia about ending the Winter War and Britain and France abandoned plans to send troops to their aid.  Meanwhile, with spring just around the corner, it was evident that the “Phoney War” would soon come to an end.  
Two north road safety teams receive massive boost from boy bandThumbnail for article : Two north road safety teams receive massive boost from boy band
'Don't You Forget About Me' (DYFAM), a Support Group for victims of road collisions established by June Ross after losing her 22 year old son Ian, a passenger in a car involved in such a collision, and 'Sensible Driving - Always Arriving,' a road safety campaign group run by the North Of Scotland Driver Awareness Team (NOSDAT).   This was set up by Highlands MSP David Stewart after the death of two local teenagers in a road collision in Inverness, have both received a huge boost from the boy band 'Scouting for Girls'.  
LiDAR Survey Shows Archeaology At Hill Of Shebster AreaThumbnail for article : LiDAR Survey Shows Archeaology At Hill Of Shebster Area
Explore the landscape with this great tool that allows you to move around the map.   The development of a windfarm at Baillie Hill was granted planning permission subject to a number of conditions.