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News Archive

100 Years Of The Thurso Pipe Band 1913 - 2013Thumbnail for article : 100 Years Of The Thurso Pipe Band 1913 - 2013
Formed in 1913 by the late Alex Mackay of the St Clair Hotel, Thurso the band has proved a major asset to the town down through the years.  The weekly parades and displays in the summer months holds out a strong magnetic appeal to locals and tourists alike.  
East Caithness SWRI Bulb Show 2013Thumbnail for article : East Caithness SWRI Bulb Show 2013
Another fine display of bulbs was on show at the Assembly Rooms, Wick, Caithness on Saturday 2nd March 2013.   Lord Lieutenant Anne Dunnet opened the show and presented the prizes.  
Highlands and Islands vote of confidence in policing and criminal justice services
The results of the 2012 Northern Constabulary community consultation survey aimed at gauging the public’s perception of multi agency services in the area, reveals an overwhelming affirmation of public satisfaction in police and criminal justice partners in the Highlands and Islands.   89% of respondents reported that they are satisfied and very satisfied with the service provided by Northern Constabulary and 97% of respondents stated that they feel safe within the areas they live.  
Drivers unaware of foreign drink-drive limits as French law shelved
"Breathalyser in your car" rule thrown into disarray The French government's decision to postpone indefinitely plans to fine drivers for failing to carry a breathalyser kit in their car highlights the lack of knowledge British visitors have of drink-drive limits when on the continent, says a company specialising in French holidays.   France's Minister of Interior has announced fines for motorists who do not carry a kit in their vehicle - previously due to come into force on 1 March - have been shelved.  
Highland Seashore Project launchedThumbnail for article : Highland Seashore Project launched
A new Seashore Wildlife Project was launched on Saturday (23 February 2013) at the Highland Biodiversity Groups Networking Meeting in the Netley Centre, Inverness.   Highland Biodiversity Partnership Chairman, Councillor George Farlow, said: “We have a fantastic, long and varied coastline in Highland.  
Chill out on Wacky Woolly Wednesday
School pupils, Council staff and Councillors are being invited to look out their most outrageous woolly jumper and take part in Wacky Woolly Wednesday.   The jumpers are needed on Wednesday 6 March in schools and offices where the temperature is turned down by 1 degree to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.  
The Highland Migrant Worker Project
Highland Migrant Worker Project is pleased to invite you to a networking event Mercure Hotel, Church Street, Inverness.   Monday 4th March 2013, 9.40 am (for 10 am) - 3.15 pm.  
Council competition encourages Caithnessians to recycle more glass
There’s still just enough time for householders to enter the Highland Council’s free competition to win a £20 voucher for The Thurso Cinema! There are five vouchers to be won, as part of a drive by the Highland Council’s Waste Aware Team to encourage glass bottle and jar recycling in Caithness.   To enter, participants can email a photograph of themselves recycling their glass bottles and jars at any Caithness Recycling Point, before the closing date of 1 March 2013.  
Cash for cans and bottlesThumbnail for article : Cash for cans and bottles
Innovative ‘Recycle and Reward’ schemes, offering people money back for recycling empty bottles and cans will be piloted in Scotland.   IKEA, Dundee University, Network Rail and Whitmuir Organics are amongst the nine companies and organisations trialling the projects, which will reward people for recycling glass, aluminium and plastic (PET) drinks containers through a range of incentives such as money back, discount vouchers or vouchers for donations to charities.  
Wirkin Wi WirdsThumbnail for article : Wirkin Wi Wirds
Gallus grammar advice has been created for Scots speakers’ through additional Scottish Government funding for the language.   Minister for Scotland’s Languages Alasdair Allan welcomed the publication of Modren Scots Grammar: Wirkin wi Wirds to mark the tenth anniversary of the Scottish Language Dictionaries (SLD).  
Boost for GaelicThumbnail for article : Boost for Gaelic
Children learning Gaelic are set to benefit from new projects to help their studies.   Speaking at a summit on Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh today, Minister for Scotland’s Languages Alasdair Allan said six Gaelic education projects will share £90,000.  
People urged to explore nature in 2013Thumbnail for article : People urged to explore nature in 2013
People living in or visiting Scotland are being urged to make 2013 their year to explore nature and landscapes.  As part of the Year of Natural Scotland celebrations, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has outlined plans for a series of initiatives to promote nature and landscape.  
Communities and Families Fund Now Open
The Big Lottery Fund has recently launched a new programme in conjunction with the Scottish Government - the Communities and Families fund.  This joint fund offers small grants (of between £250 and £10,000) to support projects working with young children (pre-birth to 8 years) and their parents.  
Council invites Highland people to find out why Play Matters
For people where play is an important part of their work or local community, a seminar has been organised on Monday 4 March in Inverness.   Around 60 teachers and practitioners have already signed up for the seminar which will take place in Highland Council’s headquarters at Glenurquhart Road.  
Police advise the public of possible phone scams operating in the Highlands
Northern Constabulary are advising members of the public to be aware of possible telephone scams that may be operating in the Highlands after recent reports from members of the public and local businesses.   Police in the Ross and Cromarty area were alerted to a phone scam on Tuesday 5 February 2013 after an unknown caller managed to obtain bank details from an elderly man.  
Women's Aid Refuge in Wick closing but services continues
From 30th April 2013 we will no longer be providing temporary accommodation (refuge) in the Caithness and Sutherland area.  At this time we will be moving to an outreach only service with office bases in the Thurso, Wick and Golspie areas.  
Join the Caithness Conversation:
‘How can funding from onshore wind farms be used to benefit Caithness?’.   RWE npower renewables (RWE NRL) is encouraging local people in Caithness to take part in the Caithness Conversation, a discussion about how the community funds linked to wind farms can best be used to support the area.  
Local communities gear up to take part in Wick and Thurso Charrettes
Primary and secondary pupils and students from the North Highland College are among the many people that are preparing to set out how they want their towns to be developed in the future, as they prepare to take part in the Wick and Thurso Charrettes.  This is the first time in Scotland this format will have been used to input into a local development plan.  
Peters Pals Next Event - Thursday 21st February
“InFesTaTion” - “Peter’s Pals” Young Curator’s Club Art Workshop & Launch Of The “Portable Museum Of Curiosity”.   Sunday 20th January 2013 saw the launch of Caithness Horizons new “Peter’s Pals” - Young Curator’s Club with a Penguin-themed workshop delivered by Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer from The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.  
John O’Groats Mill to benefit from Historic Scotland Building Repair GrantThumbnail for article : John O’Groats Mill to benefit from Historic Scotland Building Repair Grant
John O’Groats Mill in Caithness is to receive a Historic Scotland Building Repair Grant of £221,316.   It is one of six historic sites in Scotland to benefit from this latest round of funding totalling £587,049.