Pentland Model Boat Club holds a show each year usualyin the Briitish Legion club in Thurso..
Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord Lieutenant of Caithness, was inspecting officer at the Thurso Air Cadet�s Annual Parent�s Night and Presentation of Awards in the Royal British Legion Thurso at the end of April. In addressing the cadets, Miss Dunnett highlighted their high standard of turnout and emphasised that, by being part of an organisation such as the Air Cadets, they were all youngsters who were doing something to make a difference in their lives.
Local Air Cadets, Sergeant David Struthers from Thurso and Corporal Christopher Bremner from Wick had a flying start to the year when they attended RAF Kinloss for their Gliding Scholarships. They arrived at Kinloss early on the 2nd January, and spent a week learning all the knowledge and skills required to successfully complete the course.
Residents at Bayview House, Thurso, were welcomed back to the residential home this week following a �380,000 refurbishment to meet new standards. Councillor David Flear, Convener of The Highland Council's Caithness Area Committee, and Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of the Caithness Area Social Work Committee, greeted the first residents to return to the home following an eight-month absence.
The army Cadets carried out a map reading weekend on the 14th and 15th January. All the Cadets worked hard, and found some of the problems not only of navigating, but also simply moving, at night.
See photos from the 2005 event in the photo gallery..
The Pultneytown People's Project goes from strength to strength as was shown at their AGM held in South School on 28 September 2005. Indeed the very name should be plural now.
A new fund aimed at assisting regeneration of the Pulteneytown area of Wick will help see fifteen local people trained over the next three months (October to December) in the 'Principles of Retail'. A ten week course has been set up by North Highland College with Scottish Executive Community Regeneration Funding, and targeted primarily at unemployed people living in the Pulteneytown area of Wick.
The Wick Anchor Boys have restarted and a good number of boys have already joined up for the weekly meeting in the BB Hall. The group suffered from a lack of leaders but has now reformed.
A fun day at Argyle Square 20th august 2005. Se the photo gallery above left..
Prince Charles arrived by helicopter at wick airport this morning and went to open the Pultneytown People's Centre in the former Old Man's Rest. The centre is used for meetings and some of the overflow groups from the offices in Murchison Street.
Another successful summer camp was attended by members of the Caithness Army Cadet Force at Altcar near Liverpool. The young folk were accompanied by adult leaders from Caithness.
Caithness County Show 2015 - Photos..
A BUSY programme of team games and dancing displays along with various stalls ensured there was something for everyone at the Pulteneytown People's Project fun day. The event, held in the grounds of Wick South Primary School on Sunday afternoon, raised �682.49.
See Thurso Gala 2005 photos at link above.
The photographs show C/Sgt Macdonald, Sgt Perry, Cpl Sutherland and L/Cpl Napier. They are seen at Forsinain climbing up through the forest towards the county march, on the third day of their Duke of Edinburgh gold award expedition..
The Pentland Model boat club holds show each year in the British Legion In Thurso..
The spring is always a busy time for the Army Cadets. During the run up to their summer camp they take part in events as varied as shooting matches, sports meetings, D of E expeditions and cadet skills competitions.