Awards 2006 At Annual Parents Evening
2nd May 2006
Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord Lieutenant of Caithness, was inspecting officer at the Thurso Air Cadet�s Annual Parent�s Night and Presentation of Awards in the Royal British Legion Thurso at the end of April. In addressing the cadets, Miss Dunnett highlighted their high standard of turnout and emphasised that, by being part of an organisation such as the Air Cadets, they were all youngsters who were doing something to make a difference in their lives.
Flight Lieutenant Fiona Macintosh, Commanding Officer of the Thurso Squadron, reviewed the year, highlighting the number of camps and adventure training activities that the Squadron has taken part, the success of bring Air Experience Gliding to Wick Airport and the achievement of Flight Sergeant David Struthers in completing his gliding scholarship and achieving his solo wings.
The cadets gave a drill demonstration and Corporal Nadia Gray and Cadet Keith Baxter gave a bagpipe recital, demonstrating some of the skills they learned during the Army Cadet Piping Camp earlier in the year.
The following awards were made by the Lord Lieutenant:
Basic Swimming Certificates - Cdt Callum Ferguson, Cadet Jamie Munro and Cdt Sam Richardson
Intermediate Swimming Certificates � Cpl Keith Whitelaw and Cdt Callum Ferguson
Squadron Marksman Badges � Flt Sgt David Struthers, Cpl Andrew Mackay, Cpl Nadia Gray and Cpl Keith Whitelaw
Leading Cadet Certificate � Cpl Keith Whitelaw and Cpl Andrew Mackay
Senior Cadet Certificate � Flt Sgt David Struthers
Advanced Ski Proficiency � Cpl Keith Whitelaw
Wing Sporting Blues for Athletics � Cpl Andrew Mackay and Cdt Jamie Munro
Thurso Squadron Cup, for Best Attendance � Flt Sgt David Struthers
Clasper Award, for Sports Cadet of the Year � Cdt Jamie Munro
Caithness Stone Industries Trophy, for Best Turnout � Cpl Nadia Gray
Warrant Officer�s Trophy, for Best Drill � Cpl Nadia Gray
Civilian Committee Cup, for Best Recruit � Cdt Sam Richardson
Macintosh Quaich, for Best Cadet � Cdt Callum Ferguson
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