1285 (Caithness) Squadon Air Training Corps
Parade night Tuesday at 1900 to 2200.
What is the Air Training Corps?.
The Air Cadets is a National Youth Organisation sponsored by the Royal Air Force. It is open to young people between the ages of 13 and 18.
Training Programme
Marksmanship involves learning the normal safety precautions, gaining knowledge in good positioning and breathing and general target practice and competitions. Cadets learn basic foot drill, parade drill and inspection procedures. As cadets move through the ranks they will move on to drill instruction. Both marksmanship and drill helps to instil self-discipline and good conduct among the cadets.
Citizenship training can take the form of instruction and practice in public speaking and debating, visits to and talks by local bodies e.g. Police, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue, and organised assistance to the local community e.g. car parking at local events and fund-raising.
Most people think �flying� means going on holiday. They can never take control of an aircraft themselves. Cadets can do that on their first flight. When gliding, they will also get the opportunity to take control and once they are 16 they can apply for a gliding course and attempt to gain their solo wings.
The aims of the organisation are:
� To promote and encourage a practical interest in aviation and the RAF
� To provide training which will be useful in both service and civilian life
� To foster the spirit of adventure and develop leadership and good citizenship
All cadets have a classification and these are awarded for academic achievement in RAF/Aviation related subjects. When a cadet joins the Squadron they become a Second Class Cadet, thereafter they achieve First Class Cadet, Leading Cadet, Senior Cadet and Staff Cadet classifications by passing exams.
The subjects covered include Airmanship, Map Reading, Principles of Flight, Propulsion, Aircraft Handling, Expedition Training, The RAF and the Rifle.
Promotion has to be earned, and is not an academic award. Although every cadet can attain each of the four classifications, only a limited number will ever be promoted and very few will reach the highest ranks. Cadets who show a level of maturity, responsibility and common sense, higher than their comrades, and who are good attendees, will be considered for promotion.
There are four ranks that can be attained and from Cadet, they can achieve Cadet Corporal, Cadet Sergeant, Cadet Flight Sergeant and Cadet Warrant Officer.
Adventure Training covers anything outdoors and adventurous. It might be climbing Ben Nevis, hiking across Sutherland, skiing in Bavaria, canoeing on Loch Calder, parachuting in Weston-on-the-Green or mountain biking around Speyside. It is great fun, very popular with the cadets and good for developing teamwork and leadership skills. There are lots of sporting activities to get involved in. Football and rugby for the boys, netball and hockey for the girls, cross country running, athletics and swimming. Talented cadets can end up representing Scotland & Northern Ireland against the rest of the UK.
Other activities include annual camps on RAF Stations in the UK and overseas, the International Air Cadet Exchange scheme, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Leadership Training.
Postal Address
1285 (Caithness) Squadon Air Training Corps
Cadet Hut
Airport Industrial Estate
Flight Leuitenant Leslie Grant
[email protected]
6 Lindsay Place
Tel: 01955 602261
News for 1285 (Caithness) Squadon Air Training Corps
Action and Adventure For Young People Aged 12.5 to 17
If you're a fan of aviation, action and adventure, love sports and getting to know people then you're in the right place. Every year nearly 56,000 air cadets and volunteer staff take part in exciting events all over the country.
Wick ATC Cadets At Highland Wing - Sports Drill and Competitions
On 13th May members of 1285 (Caithness) Squadron travelled from Wick to RAF Kinloss to participate in the Highland Wing Drill, Aircraft Recognition and modelling competitions. High School exams limited the numbers of cadets who were able to travel, but attending the events were James Bamfield, Christopher Bremner, Yeager Coghill, Kerry Wilson, Kerry Smith, Diane Banks and Steffi Niwa.
Awards 2006 At Annual Parents Evening
Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord Lieutenant of Caithness, was inspecting officer at the Thurso Air Cadet�s Annual Parent�s Night and Presentation of Awards in the Royal British Legion Thurso at the end of April. In addressing the cadets, Miss Dunnett highlighted their high standard of turnout and emphasised that, by being part of an organisation such as the Air Cadets, they were all youngsters who were doing something to make a difference in their lives.
Flying Start to the New Year
Local Air Cadets, Sergeant David Struthers from Thurso and Corporal Christopher Bremner from Wick had a flying start to the year when they attended RAF Kinloss for their Gliding Scholarships. They arrived at Kinloss early on the 2nd January, and spent a week learning all the knowledge and skills required to successfully complete the course.
Cadets Travel 1000 Miles For Adventure
Eleven cadets and 3 members of staff from the Thurso Squadron travelled over 1000 miles to attend an Adventure Training Camp in Staffordshire. The green camp was held at the Anzio Army Training Base in Leek and was organised by the 1406 (SPALDING) Sqn.
If you contact this Organisation, please let them know, you found them in the Community.Caithness.Org