News Archive
Noss Primary School Kids Learn About Peaceful Protesting
This term P6/7B have been learning about the ‘Civil Rights Movement' and the peaceful tactics used by demonstrators. We looked at figures such as Rosa Parks and Dr Martin Luther King Jr.28/2/2019
Ranger Events In March
See poster for a number of events from the Ranger service..28/2/2019
Green Health Benefits - Help Identify All Opportunities In Caithness
With spring around the corner we will be looking forward to some nice weather and more daylight to enable us to get outside more. There is more and more evidence that making more use of local green spaces and natural places can help guard against and manage key health issues such as depression, coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity and dementia.28/2/2019
New Keep Safe locations in the Highlands
Police Scotland and the I Am Me charity have welcomed new members to the network of Highland premises which have agreed to make their premises a Keep Safe place for people to go if they feel frightened, distressed or have been the victim of crime. Nairn Citizens Advice Bureau and the Co-ops in Golspie and Brora have joined the initiative, which is delivered in partnership between I Am Me and Police Scotland.28/2/2019
Highland Council Community Play Award 2019
The Highland Council, in association with Play Highland, are offering an award of £1000 to the group, organisation or community that has done the most to promote benefits of play for children this year. The annual award is presented by the Council's Play Improvement Group, which works to promote self-directed free play with daily access to the outdoors.27/2/2019
Upgraded PlayTalkRead roadshow fleet
Roadshow visitors increase 31% in the last year. More families across Scotland will receive support following the expansion and upgrade of the PlayTalkRead roadshow fleet.26/2/2019
New Hospital At Aviemore Finally Goes To Planning Stage But How Long Will Caithness Redesign Take?
With respect to the new hospital at Aviemore Dr Boyd Peters said "We have been on this journey since 2012 and the land purchase is a significant step towards securing much needed modern healthcare facilities for the population of Badenoch and Strathspey" After seven years it finally reaches the planning stage so that must mean yet another two or even three years until its on the ground and working. In Caithness redesign of health services has been going on and on for several years and recently we have the early stages of a "hub" idea being promoted.25/2/2019
- The national charity Humanist Society Scotland are recruiting people for celebrant training in Caithness. - The Humanist body is looking for enthusiastic individuals, who are excellent communicators to join their team of over 130 celebrants across Scotland.25/2/2019
Highland House of Memories Launch
Highland House of Memories Launch and Civic Reception Tuesday 26th February 2019, Town House Inverness. High Life Highland and independent museums have collaborated with National Museums Liverpool to create Highland content for the pioneering ‘My House of Memories' app.25/2/2019
Child smacking legislation receives wide support
Numerous organisations including the Law Society of Scotland have welcomed the child smacking legislation currently under consideration at Holyrood. The Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill would abolish the defence of reasonable chastisement in Scots law.25/2/2019
Government help with childcare costs
Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme that helps working parents with childcare costs. This includes the self-employed.24/2/2019
Should Caithness Horizons Scale Back To Be Run By Volunteers Like Other Groups
With the announcement of the closure of Caithness Horizons is it time to reflection whether there is longer life in volunteers running these places. The fact that grants have been a big part of the running has always put it at risk if as now grant funding is being seriously cut back as part of government austerity measures.24/2/2019
A. Alfred Banks, born Kirkwall born 13 May 1931 died 26 January 2019
A Alfred Banks, born Kirkwall, Orkney 13 May 1931 died St Margaret's Hope, Orkney, 26 January 2019. Farmer and Scottish islands' short-sea shipping visionary whose son's company is naming brand-new vessel in his honour.23/2/2019
Caithness Defirillator Campaign - Latest Donation £600
The Caithness Defibrillator Campaign were delighted to receive another donation. "We were delighted to visit the Pentland Housing Association Office this week where Modern Apprentice Kaitlyn Sutherland handed over a £600 cheque to our Chairman Billy Mitchell & our volunteers Bob Bell, Ron Gunn and Kay Rosie." Pentland Housing staff organised a 70s/80s disco in Thurso's Royal British Legion Club as well as staging an office dress-down day and selling home baking which raised £400, & was topped up by a £200 donation from the Pentland Housing Group Board.23/2/2019
Walks In March 2019
For anyone wondering what they are like: Basically we walk, stop, look, discuss the scenery and history of the things we are looking at, walk on a bit, stop for lunch, eat some homemade biscuits (these are also free), walk on again, repeat. These are not aimed at stomping along the cliffs trying to break records and we walk as fast as the slowest (or most scenery fixated) walker.23/2/2019
Milestones: journeying into adulthood
A report from the Office for National Statistics. We used to think of getting married and having children as some of life's most important milestones.22/2/2019
NHS Highland Announces New Date For Annual Review
NHS Highland's annual review has been rescheduled for Tuesday 09 April 2019. It will be held in the Centre for Health Science, Inverness with Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, in attendance.21/2/2019
MSP raises the case of Caithness twins' mother and why air ambulance wasn’t initially called
Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Rhoda Grant has raised with the First Minister why the air ambulance was not initially called when a Caithness mother went into labour at 30 weeks with twins. At First Minister's Questions today, Mrs Grant told Nicola Sturgeon the woman had bravely shared her experience of giving birth under the current maternity provisions in Caithness.21/2/2019
Dunbeath Strath Walk With The Rangers
Enjoy a gorgeous spring-time walk up the Dunbeath Strath. Follow the river through the hazel & birch woods and up onto Cnoc na Maranaich to take in amazing views.21/2/2019