News Archive
We Found Teenage Girls Don't Know Vulvas From Vaginas Or When Their Menstrual Cycle Starts
It is important for everyone - but especially girls, women and people who menstruate - to understand how ovulation and menstruation work. The menstrual cycle is a key indicator of overall health and sadly, issues such as pain, mood swings or abnormal bleeding are common.1/9/2024
Why Every Child Deserves a Wildflower Meadow
From Highlife Highland Ranger service. Often at our guided walks and events we request donations for going towards our nature conservation work and our environmental education work in particular with schools.28/8/2024
Funding For Big Noise - Musical Learning And Nurture Supported For Thousands
Almost 4,000 children and young people will have the opportunity to realise their potential through music education supported by £2.6 million of Scottish Government funding. Sistema Scotland's Big Noise programme uses music and nurturing relationships to improve the lives of children and young people and strengthen communities.19/8/2024
Nhs Highland Urges Parents To Help Beat Flu With A Wee Scoosh This Winter
NHS Highland urges parents and carers to ensure their child is protected against flu this winter. It's as easy as a wee scoosh up the nose.16/8/2024
Improving Relationships And Behaviour In Schools
New guidance to empower schools to take action on mobile phone use and next steps in ongoing work to improve relationships and behaviour in schools has been published. The ‘Behaviour and Relationships in Schools' action plan, and targeted guidance for teachers to manage mobile phone use in schools, set out steps to be deployed at the national, local and school level over the next three years in response to concerns about relationships and behaviour in schools, including: supporting the effective recording and monitoring of inappropriate behaviour.15/8/2024
NHS Highland Board Seeks To Recruit Independent Committee Members
NHS Highland is seeking to recruit two independent members to the Highland Health and Social Care Committee. Gerry O'Brien, Chair of the committee, said: "The committee has a wide range of responsibilities for health and social care services across the Highland Council area and it is essential that we have the public’s input to the decisions it makes.14/8/2024
Planet-friendly Parenting - Teaching Your Child Important Lessons
While most of us want to make more environmentally conscious decisions, it can be difficult to know where to start, and how to teach these important lessons to your children. To make the process a little easier, Legal & General is diving into their top tips on how to teach your kids about the planet and lighten your footprint in a kid-friendly way.26/7/2024
Community Organisations Asked To Take Part In Wealth Study
A large scale online survey will take place over the next few weeks until the end of September 2024. Community organisations across the Highlands and Islands are being asked to take part in a new study to explore how to maximise opportunities to generate community wealth.21/7/2024
Eileanan, A Journey Around Scotland's Islands - St Kilda - Part 1 Of 6
In a six part journey - Michelle takes us through a potted history of many of the islands off the North Coast of Scotland. The allure of Scotland's islands, have a captivating narrative that tugs at my heartstrings, and in particular they have an enchantment that is so intertwined with our natural and cultural heritage.19/7/2024
Regulator Refreshes Meetings Guidance For The Zoom Era
The Charity Commission is calling on charities that hold online meetings to review their governing document to ensure it is up to date. The call comes in the regulator's redesigned guidance on charities and meetings (known as CC48), published today [Friday 19 July 2024].15/7/2024
HOPE will play a crucial role in reducing drug-related harm in Highland
The Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership is encouraging people to download an app which aims to help reduce drug-related harm in Highland. The Highland Overdose Prevention and Engagement (HOPE) app has been downloaded by over 1,300 people since it was launched three years ago.30/6/2024
Soaring For Survival - Unveiling Swifts
Swifts feed on small flying insects, capturing them mid-flight. These insects accumulate in a specialised pouch located at the back of the swift's throat, where they are bound together by saliva, forming a pellet or bolus.30/6/2024
Summer Activities In Wick From 1 July
See poster.18/6/2024
Clean Air Day On 20 June
Clean Air Day is the UK's largest campaign dedicated to raising awareness on air pollution and the focus this year is on educating the public about air quality and encouraging active travel and alternative transport options. To celebrate the day, the Council's Environmental Health Team are organising an event at Falcon Square, Inverness which will be a good opportunity to raise awareness on air pollution and share knowledge on sustainable travel options.17/6/2024
Funding Applications Open To Rural Community Organisations - £800,000 Available
Organisations are invited to apply for funding towards projects addressing issues affecting Highland rural communities. This round of Community Regeneration Funding (CRF) of over £800k will be financed from the Community Led Local Development fund (CLLD), a competitive Highland-wide funding programme for rural areas.13/6/2024
4th - 6th Year Pupils Check If You Qualify For Grant Of £30 Per Week At School
All eligible young people are being encouraged to apply for a weekly, term time allowance of £30 per week from August 2024. The Highland Council administers Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) in respect of eligible young people from across its 29 secondary schools.[History]
10/6/2024A New Book About The Ulbster Burial Ground
Caithness Family History Society held a very successful book launch at the Old Smiddy Inn, Thrumster on the morning of Saturday 25th May. The book is Fiona Begg's "Ulbster Burial Ground," which contains photos and transcriptions of all visible gravestones, plus some extra family information about the people recorded on the stones.10/6/2024
Blooming Together - The Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic Project
Imogen from Highlife Highland takes a look back at the success of the wildflower patches and sees how they are getting on in year two. As the natural world faces increasing pressures, community-driven conservation initiatives offer significant opportunity to make a genuine difference.9/6/2024
Halkikr GalaFest 2024
On Saturday 8 June 2024 the Halkirk new style Galafest took place. The very windy day with light showers did not deter people attending at the field where next month Halkirk Highland Games will take place..9/6/2024