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Biggest number of Sands Ribbon Displays ever for Baby Loss Awareness Week

7th October 2024

Photograph of Biggest number of Sands Ribbon Displays ever for Baby Loss Awareness Week

Bereaved parents and families across Scotland remember together all those lives lost too soon.

Sands, the UK's leading pregnancy and baby loss charity, has counted the most Ribbon Displays ever created across the country by the charity's dedicated volunteers and supporters.

Parents and families affected by pregnancy and baby loss have joined together to create a grand total of 190 of the beautiful pink and blue Ribbon Displays across the UK as part of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2024 (9-15 October).

Each public display includes handmade ribbons, many with the names of the much-loved and missed babies written on them. From paper displays in shop windows to ribbons hung from trees, there are so many ways that people have found to interpret a Sands Ribbon Display for Baby Loss Awareness Week.

Sands has created an online map to help people find a display in their area. People can also dedicate a ribbon on Sands' virtual Ribbon Remembrance tree.

Melissa Lindsay of Orkney Sands is organising a ribbon display at St Magnus Cathedral, South Ronaldsay. She said: "A ribbon display is a visual, public display marking the loss of pregnancy at any stage, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and death of a baby. By tying a ribbon to the display we remember these babies.

"We have arranged to have the St Magnus Cathedral lit up in blue and pink for the week and will use the railings at the front of the cathedral for our ribbon display. We feel that by seeing these ribbons it will spark an interest from passers-by and hopefully raise awareness. People can then add their own ribbon in memory of, perhaps their own personal loss, or to remember a family member, friend or colleague's loss. There is such a ripple effect of baby loss and it is so important that we acknowledge this.

"We plan to hold a service at the end of Baby Loss Awareness Week where we will light our candles at 7pm then have the option of walking together to the cathedral to add ribbons and remember these baby's gone too soon."

Displays are also planned in Aberdeen, Dunfermline, Musselburgh, Kirkmuirhill and many other places across Scotland.

Half of UK adults have said that they, or someone they know, had experienced at least one form of pregnancy or baby loss.1 So it's vital that everyone knows that they are not alone and that there is a community that understands and is here for them, whatever they need - be it guidance, shared stories or simply a listening ear to help and offer comfort.

Clea Harmer, Chief Executive at Sands, said: "We are so grateful to everyone who has given their time to make the biggest ever collection of Sands Ribbon Displays for Baby Loss Awareness Week. Every ribbon is hand made with love and many people take so much care writing the names of babies on the ribbons, their own and those of people in their local community. These displays are so important as pregnancy and baby loss can be a hidden form of bereavement, and many parents and families feel isolated or that their losses are not recognised.

"A Ribbon Display is something you cannot walk past without wondering, what is it about? They can really help start conversations which helps to break the silence that still surrounds pregnancy and baby loss. Seeing the photos of all the displays on social media really gives the feeling of a connected ribbon of love stretching across Scotland and the whole of the UK. Thank you to everyone who has helped build these beautiful visions of remembrance."

Ribbon Displays are not the only way Sands supporters are marking Baby Loss Awareness Week in Scotland. Many people will be taking part in Ribbon Run on Saturday 12 October, a sponsored 5,10 or 15km run, walk or jog where thousands of people come together to remember their babies and raise funds for Sands.

Kirsty McDermott is organising the Glasgow Ribbon Run on Saturday 12th October at Strathclyde Park in memory of her daughter Lillian who was born sleeping on 10th August this year.

Kirsty says: "On Saturday 20th July our lives changed forever when a scan showed that Lily had Hydrops Fetalis, and she was subsequently diagnosed with a rare genetic condition. She was born at peace on 10th August. Mere moments in our arms, but forever in our hearts, my partner Alan and I will always remember our daughter. I am organising the Ribbon Run in memory but also in celebration of Lily. Whilst her time with us was short it has had a huge impact not just on our lives but the lives of those she will help by allowing us to fundraise in her honour.

"Sands has been an invaluable support to Alan and I these last few weeks, as has talking and sharing our story with others. We know from sharing our story that others have been helped and hope that by sharing our story on a wider forum we can help others too, whilst also raising awareness of baby loss. Baby loss sadly happens far too frequently and should not be a taboo subject; we will always speak of our daughter and she will always be our first born and a part of us and our family."

Whilst supporters and allies, like businesses and landmarks, have also pledged to light up pink and blue to mark this important week.

Clea Harmer, continued: “We are delighted that Softcat and NatWest Group are joining the campaign as Official Sands Partners for Baby Loss Awareness Week. Thanks to their support, we are able to reach more people affected by pregnancy or baby loss and let them know that together, we care. From fundraising with colleagues to turning their offices pink and blue - we are so grateful to Softcat and the NatWest Group for their ongoing commitment to raising awareness, supporting bereaved families, and saving babies' lives."

More Baby Loss Awareness Week activities across the UK
The theme for Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW) 2024 is ‘Together, we care' and acknowledges that finding ways to nurture your mental and physical wellbeing is a vital part of anyone’s bereavement journey.

Many other charities, organisations and individuals are also creating Ribbon Displays across the UK during the Week, in addition to those made by Sands supporters and volunteers.

Throughout the Week, landmarks and buildings across the UK will be lit up pink and blue - the colours of Baby Loss Awareness Week - and people will be holding remembrance events in their hometowns to help raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss, remember much-loved babies and open up conversations around this issue.

The Baby Loss Awareness Week website lists a wide range of organisations that provide support booklets and resources, signposting to different types of support, as well as resources for health professionals working with and supporting bereaved families.

The week will draw to a close at 7pm on 15 October when candles for all our babies gone too soon are left burning for one hour during the global Wave of Light, with many joining together online, creating a trending moment of connection and collective remembrance across the UK.

For more information visit: and follow #BLAW on social media.

1. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2121 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 14th - 15th August 2023. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+). Respondents were asked “Which, if any, of the following have you or someone you've known ever experienced, with regards to pregnancy or baby loss? (Please select all that apply.)" The survey was commissioned by an alliance of more than 130 charities led by Sands, Tommy’s, Bliss, The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, The Lullaby Trust, and The Miscarriage Association.
2. An initiative started by a group of parents 22 years ago, Baby Loss Awareness Week has now evolved into an Alliance of over 130 dedicated pregnancy and baby loss organisations led by Sands, Tommy’s, Bliss, The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, The Lullaby Trust, and The Miscarriage Association. It also plays a crucial role in raising awareness of the importance of ongoing bereavement support and the essential work required to improve pregnancy outcomes and save babies’ lives. More information: Baby Loss Awareness Week | Sands - Saving babies' lives. Supporting bereaved families.

About Sands

Every day in the UK, 13 babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth. And at least 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Sands is the UK's leading charity working to save babies' lives and support bereaved families. Sands’ vision is a world where fewer babies die and when a baby does die, anyone affected receives the best possible care and support for as long as it is needed.

Sands is here for anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. The charity provides bereavement support services both nationally through its Freephone helpline, online community and resources, and locally through a network of around 110 regional support groups based across the UK and run by trained befrienders.

Sands works in partnership with health care professionals, trusts and health boards and offers a range of training programmes and bereavement care resources to ensure that every bereaved parent and family receives the best possible care wherever they are in the UK.

Sands supports and promotes research to better understand the causes of baby deaths and save babies’ lives. The charity also raises awareness of baby loss and works with governments, key influencers and other stakeholders to make reducing the number of babies dying a priority nationally and locally.