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Community Groups News

Thurso Meeting Packs Town HallThumbnail for article : Thurso Meeting Packs Town Hall
A large audience turned out for the meeting organised by the League of Friends of Caithness General Hospital.   Speakers included - Jamie Stone MSP, David Flear Caithness Area Convenor, George Bruce, chair of Caithness Health Forum, and councillors Bill Fernie and Graham Smith.  
Rob Gibson MSP Supports Campaign For Maternity ServicesThumbnail for article : Rob Gibson MSP Supports Campaign For Maternity Services
"Use Continental Practice To Support Caithness Maternity" SNP list member for the Highlands and Islands Rob Gibson welcomes the turn out of last nights (Wednesday 26th of November) public meeting about the downgrading of Wick Maternity Ward.   He will be present at the 15 December meeting with Prof.  
Caithness Convener Joins Call For Maternity Upgrading
The Convener of The Highland Council's Caithness Area Committee, Councillor David Flear, has joined the call for health bosses to consider upgrading maternity services at Caithness General Hospital.   Councillor Flear intends raising the matter at the next Area Committee meeting on Monday 15 September and expects to send a firmly worded response to the Highland Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, who are currently reviewing maternity services provided in Wick as part of a Scotland-wide review.  
Wick Gala 2003 PhotosThumbnail for article : Wick Gala 2003 Photos
Wick Gala 2003 Photos.  
Activity Outing To ThursoThumbnail for article : Activity Outing To Thurso
Mums and kids made a day out to Thurso with visits to Viking Bowl, Ormlie Skateboard Park and Thurso Swimming Pool all on a lovely sunny day..  
Holiday ClubThumbnail for article : Holiday Club
A very succesful holiday club was run by mums in Pulteneytown using the South School hall and playground.   John Thurso the local member of parliament visited the club and was delighted to see the range of activities organised to occupy the children..  
Thurso Gala 2002 PhotosThumbnail for article : Thurso Gala 2002 Photos
See photos at the link above..  
Wick Gala 2002 PhotosThumbnail for article : Wick Gala 2002 Photos
Wick Gala 2002 Photos.  
PPP Fun, Barbecue & Clean UpThumbnail for article : PPP Fun, Barbecue & Clean Up
The group had support from many residents and a local contractor to clean up the area of grassland round about the burn.   A huge quantity of rubbish including concrete and old beds and all manner of glass and other rubbish was removed.  
A breakthrough as the Health Board announce the Review finds in favour of keeping services local
Check out what Susan Deacon the Health Minister for Scotland said in her September press release following publication of the Arbuthnott Report on allocations of expenditure for rural areas.   The report has a short summary of the main points as well as the full report.  
Highland Maternity Service Review Supports Rural Provision
The review of maternity services in Highland is complete and has been presented to Highland Health Board members today.   The review calls for a Highland wide maternity service to be designed around the needs of women, with midwife managed care being the norm for the majority of low risk pregnancies.  
Maternity Review - Thurso Meeting
Thurso's people turned out in droves last night to attend the meeting called by the reference group.   Many people were turned away as the hall was full to overflowing.  
Maternity Review - Wick Meeting - MUMS Pull In the CrowdsThumbnail for article : Maternity Review - Wick Meeting - MUMS Pull In the Crowds
The meeting in Wick High School was packed out on Monday night as the people in East Caithness reacted to the perceived threat to maternity services.   The representatives were grilled and in typical Wick fashion the audience demanded improvements not downgrading to services.  
Highland Health Board Denies Gagging Order
Highland Health Board have denied that any of the local staff have been warned not to talk about the review to members of the public.   Robert MacLennan took up the matter with the Health board following reports he had received.  
Winter Weather Proves the People of Caithness are Right
The winter weather has forcefully convinced Caithness people that what they have said all along is true.   That an area as far away from the main centres must have its own dedicated services especially in vital areas of health like maternity where emergencies do and will happen when the weather cuts the county off.  
Jamie Stone MSP Urges Everyone to Get In Contact
Mr Stone called on all constituents, as many as possible to in Caithness & Sutherland to write and make their views known.   The Caithness Courier article today set out Mr Stone's view on the matter and made it clear that now was the time for people to put pen to paper.  
New Plans For Threats To Maternity Services
Graeme Smith, a member of the Wick Community Council and Highland Councillor is encouraging people to think more about how a concerted campaign might affect the outcome of the Review into Maternity services in the county.   He encouraged people to think in terms of a campaign involving community councils and the Association of community councils acting in concert with MUMS (Maternity Unit Must Stay).  
Blocked Roads and Foggy Conditions Highlight Need for Local Maternity Services
Well if things were looking quieter on the public outcry front about possible downgrading then the latest drama in Caithness certainly underlines the need for people to be concerned.   Fortunately for all concerned the skills in the maternity unit were able to deal with the problems.  
Caithness Economic Partnership to Carry Out Review on Impact of Maternity Services Downgrade
The Maternity Review is certainly going to stack up the reports with the Caithness Economic Partnership going to carry out an economic assessment of the impact of changes to the service if any are brought in.   This seems sensible but can it be taken in isolation.  
New Reference Group and Wide Ranging Consultation to be Carried Out
As reported in the JOG this week a review is to be started in January.   A reference group and very wide consultation is to be carried out.