Health & Welfare : Children
Children Articles
28/4/2024Antenatal Peep From HomeStart Caithness
We are starting another course is May for pregnant parents and their partners. This can be delivered 1 to 1 or in a group setting.
18/2/2024Expecting A Baby - FREE PeeP Antenatal Course With HomeStart Caithness
Our next Antenatal PeeP course begins soon. If you are expecting a baby in APRIL, MAY or JUNE 2024 give us a message now.
16/8/2022HomeStart Volunteers Helping Families - Can You Give Some Time
HomeStart training course for new volunteers starts in October. to find phone or email (See the poster).
18/6/2019First Minister meets families at V&A Dundee
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited V&A Dundee this week to celebrate over 10,000 people taking part in free family workshops since the museum opened. The First Minister also met with Home-Start Dundee, a local charity which supports families with young children through a range of issues including post-natal depression, isolation, physical health problems and bereavement.
31/5/2019HomeStart Caithness Team Raising Fund In the Kilt Walk
The staff team at HomeStart Caithness are taking part in the Kilt Walk in Aberdeen to raise fund for the group that assists families and young children. Sunday 2nd June 2019.
12/4/2019Become a Volunteer with Home-Start Caithness and help local families
Come on the next Volunteer Preparation Course. Wednesdays - 10am - 2.30pm May 22nd, 29th and June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th.
13/9/2017We are recruiting new Trustees At HomeStart Caithness
Can you spare a couple of hours a month to help change lives? The role of the Trustee. You may bring a particular expertise to the board, such as professional skills in finance, IT, business, personnel management or marketing and PR, but equally as important are listening and communication skills, commitment and common sense.
8/9/2017Kiltwalk Man Raising Money For HomeStart Caithness
Robert Smith has signed up for the Kilt Walk in Edinburgh on September 17th to raise money in aid of Home-Start Caithness. "I spent my childhood in Caithness and have decided to support their local branch of Home-Start.
31/8/2017Could you volunteer for Home-Start Caithness?
Could you volunteer for Home-Start Caithness? We are a family charity that works with young families who need a little extra support and friendship. We need both men and women who have parenting experience to join our team of dedicated volunteers and befriend a family that needs just that little extra support.1/4/2015