We are recruiting new Trustees At HomeStart Caithness
13th September 2017

Can you spare a couple of hours a month to help change lives?
The role of the Trustee.
You may bring a particular expertise to the board, such as professional skills in finance, IT, business, personnel management or marketing and PR, but equally as important are listening and communication skills, commitment and common sense.
Your commitment
Attend Board meetings. These are held every eight weeks or so and do not usually last more than an hour. All relevant papers are sent out at least one week in advance.
You may be required to attend other meetings occasionally and help with the strategic planning and direction of the organization.
Our commitment to you
You will receive induction and ongoing training.
The opportunity to meet up with other Trustees from Home-Starts in Scotland and across the UK.
We pay your expenses.
We hold social events for our Trustees and Volunteers.
If you are interested please get in touch.
For an application pack or an informal chat about the work that we do, please contact Rosemary Smith on 07526626141 / 01955 609163
Email: [email protected] or contact us via Facebook.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Become a Home-Start Trustee and help local parents build better lives for their children.
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homestartcaithness
Our website: http://www.homestartcaithness.org.uk
Home-Start UK Website: https://www.home-start.org.uk
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