HomeStart Volunteers Helping Families - Can You Give Some Time
16th August 2022
HomeStart training course for new volunteers starts in October. to find phone or email (See the poster).
What is Home-Start?
Home-Start Caithness is a voluntary organisation which offers support, friendship and practical help to parents with young children who are experiencing stress.
Home-Start wants to see a society in which every parent has the support they need to give their children the best possible start in life. Home-Start believes that children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play the key role in giving their children a good start in life and helping them achieve their full potential.
What do Home-Start volunteers do?
Home-Start volunteers work with families where there is at least one child under five years of age. They visit families in their own homes and form relationships with the families.
Playing with the children, talking and listening, helping in and out of the home - all these kinds of help can be offered.
Who are the Home-Start Volunteers?
Home-Start volunteers are people who are parents themselves or who have parenting experience and understand the stresses of bringing up children - which can be a difficult and demanding job!
No specific qualifications are required. All volunteers are good listeners, warm and compassionate and aware of the needs of families.
Before a volunteer goes to work with a family they must attend a training programme. It is Home-Start policy to rigorously screen all volunteers before they are matched with families.
Regular support and on-going training is offered to all volunteers by the Co-ordinator.
Which Families can apply to Home-Start?
Local families who are experiencing difficulties or suffering stress and who have at least one child under five years of age can apply for a home-visiting volunteer.
It is always the family's choice whether to accept the service Home-Start has to offer. They can apply themselves or can be referred by their health visitor, social worker, or other professional working with the family.
Home-Start Caithness is in operation throughout the county of Caithness.
All information about families is treated as confidential by both volunteers and staff at Home-Start except where there are concerns for the welfare of the child/children.
Home-Start Caithness is part of an international organisation that has been operating in Scotland since 1985.
Training information and guidance on all aspects of the work is supplied by Home-Start UK who employs a consultant to provide support for all the schemes in the north of Scotland.
The local scheme was founded in to address the needs of families in one of the most remote parts of the UK.
Home-Start Caithness is a community based project and is managed by a local, voluntary Board of Directors.
This committee is responsible for the employment and management of the employment and management of the co-ordinators and secretary and supporting the work of Home-Start throughout Caithness.
Donations to Home-Start Caithness
Home-Start relies on voluntary donations and funding to support its valuable work and we are always delighted to receive donations. If you or your business would like to make donation to Home-Start Caithness please contact the Co-ordinators Rosemary Smith or Rachel Jolly for more information.
Home-Start Caithness Committee
In addition to volunteers who visit families after training there is also a volunteer management committee and a board of Directors. A range of people from around the county are volunteers on the committee. If you would like to serve on the committee please get in touch.
Reg. Charity No.: SCO 24885
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