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Animal Clubs & Associations Articles

Caithness County Show 2019 - Horse Winners ParadeThumbnail for article : Caithness County Show 2019 - Horse Winners Parade
See the link above to start the horse and pony parade in the main county show gallery..  
Caithness Rabbit Fanciers Association First Show Held At StaxigoeThumbnail for article : Caithness Rabbit Fanciers Association First Show Held At Staxigoe
The overall winner and best in show was a "Continental Giant" an impressively huge rabbit looking in tip top conditions.   A big softy this rabbit allowed all of the children and adults to stroke his fur.  
Caithness Canine Club 2004 Dog Show At WickThumbnail for article : Caithness Canine Club 2004 Dog Show At Wick
A busy day at the Caithness Canine Club 2004 Dog Show where over 150 entries were judged in many categories.   The gallery shows just a few of the entries in this years show and not necessarily winners of the various classes..  
Wick And District Pigeon Club HistoryThumbnail for article : Wick And District Pigeon Club History
FLYING HIGH FOR 100 YEARS.   DR Simpson, Grover Clyne, John Hood�all names familiar to Wickers past and present as stalwarts on the business scene, but how many would know they were among the founding fathers of the Caithness Homing Club, set up 100 years ago to provide a focus for local racing-pigeon enthusiasts? In the days before TV and widespread car ownership, communities like Wick had thriving sports/arts/hobby scenes�hard to believe now, but the 1904 Fur & Feather Show had 600 exhibitors for a 3-day event! With the first World War having seen homing pigeons used in large numbers as battlefield messengers, it was a natural progression for the Wick fanciers to provide pigeons to the National Pigeon Service during World War 2.  
Caithness Canine Club 2003 Open Dog ShowThumbnail for article : Caithness Canine Club 2003 Open Dog Show
The 2003 Caithness Canine Open Dog Show was well attended although entries were down on last year due another show elsewhere.   The club had recruited Albert Wight a well known show judge who recently judged the Best In Show category at Crufts in London.