Achlachan Wind Farm Mini Fund
The Halkirk and District Community Council has been given an annual fund of £3,000 from the Achlachan Windfarm for direct distribution within the local community.
The aim is to award small amounts (Less than £300) which directly benefit young people, sports, educational and art activities. Any individual within the HDCC boundary will be eligible to apply. No means assessment or match funding requirements will be needed.
The “mini fund” will be administered by the HDCC and applications to the fund will be made directly to the HDCC by letter. It is expected that the letter will clearly identify:
Named Individuals/Group to benefit
Description of activity requesting support
How funding will benefit young people
Sum of money requested
Evidence of the activity (e.g. Reference, advertisement)
The application letter will then be reviewed by the HDCC at their next regular meetings for consideration. In some circumstance the individual applying may be requested to attend the meeting for further clarification regarding the application.
The decision of the HDCC will be communicated by letter and payment will be made via cheque. This will need to be acknowledged in writing to allow a formal record of expenditure to be maintained. A requirement for evidence of the spending may be required.
It is proposed that the HDCC should manage the fund for an initial period of 12 months and the success of activities will be renewed before we confirm to proceed for the next 12 month period in April 2020.
Dates of planned HDCC meeting are:
26 June 2019 including AGM
28 August 2019
16 October 2019
11 December 2019
Letters for application should be emailed to:
See web site for updates.
If you contact this Organisation, please let them know, you found them in the Community.Caithness.Org