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Highland Third Sector Interface

Photograph of Highland Third Sector InterfaceNormal Working Hours are Monday - Thursday.

HTSI is an independent charity on a mission to support, encourage and inspire work with community groups, clubs, charities and other third sector organisations throughout Highland.

The Highland Third Sector Interface was formed in 2012 and officially launched on the 4th of March 2013. Our Mission is to ensure that the Third Sector in Highlands is strong, developing and a valued community and regional asset.​

As a Third Sector Interface we work together with eight partners to deliver, among other services, four specific themes of work as agreed with the Scottish Government:

Volunteering development
Social Enterprise development
Supporting and developing a strong third sector
Building the third sector relationship with community planning​

At the HTSI we co-ordinate the regional work, specifically strategic involvement with the public and private sectors, while supporting the locally delivered work of our Partners.​

The delivery of the interface functions through trusted local Partners, most with an extensive history and community connection, allows services to be tailored to local need and for local diversity and adaptation, recognising the large expanse of geographical and community differences within the Highland Region.

We are always interested in hearing from any organisation or individual, whether they are working within the sector or looking to grow their relationship with it.

01349 864289

07454 940 754

[email protected]

Postal Address
Highland Third Sector Interface
Thorfin House
Bridgend Business Park
IV15 9SL

If you contact this Organisation, please let them know, you found them in the Community.Caithness.Org