Caithness International Science Festival
ScienceO3 is a Caithness based charity that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) to local schools and the general public through the Caithness International Science Festival.
We are a group of committed engineers and scientists that are determined to make sure that children and adults have their eyes opened to the fun of science, in theory and practice and we deliver well attended and enjoyable programmes of events.
Caithness has a strong base and a promising future in Science and Technology but this is not always reflected in the desire of local pupils to study these subjects. ScienceO3 is an attempt to re-dress the balance locally.
01955 602777
[email protected]
Postal Address
Caithness International Science Festival
c/o KP Technology
12A Burn Street
News for Caithness International Science Festival
Caithness International Science Festival 2021 Reaches Out Digitally
The Caithness International Science Festival has gone digital for 2021. Monday 1st March to Wednesday 31st March.
Cancellation of All of Caithness International Science Festival Events
Unfortunately the Science Festival organisers have received the latest news from the Highland council in face of the evolving Coronavirus crisis. "In line with national guidance, the Council has moved from containment to delay.Caithness Interneational Science Festival 2020
Caithness International Science Festival 2020 will run from Monday 2nd - Saturday 21st March and includes a public and schools programme, culminating in the Family Fun Day. Attendees can expect to hear about space exploration, virtual reality, climate change, future fuels, exotic animals, robotics and much more at these exciting and interactive events.
Caithness Science Festival 2019 Fun Day
Big crowds turned out to see the fun day at the Caithness Science Festival 2019. The science festival has grown each year since its inception 17 years ago.
Prize Winners at Science Festival Art Competition
Sorry about low resolution photo..
Caithness International Science Festival 2019
Events - The Physics of Mountaineering Mon 4th March, Norseman Hotel Wick, 7pm.Alison McLure from the Institute of Physics talks about the science behind mountain safety and mountain rescue. Tea and coffee and chat to Dr McLure after.
Caithness Science Festival 2018 Fun Day
The final day of the Caithness Science Festival - "The Fun Day" gave a chance for listening to talks on various topic and many hands on displays. The day showed to young people that science can be not only extremely interesting but also fun with the added bonus of a potential career.
Caithness Science Festival 2018 - Launch Photos
The Caithness Science Festival 2018 is still going strong in its sixteenth year. The official launch was on Tuesday this week with events running every day.
Caithness Science Festival 2017 - The Fun Day Photos
The Caithness Science Festival had its annual showcase for many areas of science both in Caithness and from elsewhere with lots of experts to answer questions from people of all ages. Lots of photos in the gallery..
Caithness Science Festival 2016
Photos from the 2016 Caithness Science Festival. Click the Photo Gallery Link.
If you contact this Organisation, please let them know, you found them in the Community.Caithness.Org