Wick Players Looking For Help With Young People
9th February 2023
Towards the end of last year, we began a series of new youth nights dedicated to youngsters called "3, 2,1 ACT!". These nights started off as a great success having around 15-20 kids attending each week ranging in age from 11 to 18. These evenings still take place each Monday night from 7-9pm with around 10-15 kids attending.
There is a very small group of volunteers who take a couple of hours out of their schedules each week to come out and run these nights for the kids, however, this small group of volunteers has dwindled, and
we are now very short of people who can help (we need around x4 adults at least each week to comply with child protection guidance and regulations). We are also in need of new ideas for these nights, such as new activities, games, and opportunities which we can give these kids. Some of the youngsters attending have an interest in backstage work, and some are keen to act.
We are now in a desperate situation where we need new volunteers to help to sustain these youth nights. We are also open to new ideas and any thoughts that anyone might have towards making these evenings a success, whether this be changing the day on which the workshops take place to suit around potential new volunteers or taking a fresh new approach to the idea altogether. These kids are so keen to be involved in community drama; Wick Junior Players are the future of the club, and it would be so sad not see this opportunity transpire.
With this in mind, we are holding an open meeting on Thursday 16th February at 7pm in our premises in Moray Street to which everyone is welcome.
You don't have to have a background in amateur dramatics or backstage work to help, we are just looking for any adults who might be able to help us out to make these youth nights substantial.