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CVG Funding update November 2020

17th November 2020

Robertson Trust is now open for applications. The funds available are:
Wee Grants
For constituted community groups and charities with an annual income of less than £25,000
 Funding of up to £2,000 for one year only
 Could cover revenue* or capital costs to support your work.
Small Grants
 Revenue funding* of between £2,000 and £15,000 for up to five years
 Unrestricted or restricted* funding
 Can include the costs of equipment to support your work.

Large Grants
For registered charities with an annual income of between £100,000 and £2 million
 Revenue funding* of between £15,000 and £50,000 for up to five years
 Unrestricted or restricted funding*
 Can include the costs of equipment to support your work.

Community Vehicle Grants
Annual income of between £25,000 and £2 million, Funding of up to £10,000 for a vehicle to support your work.

Community Building Grants
 For registered charities with an annual income of between £25,000 and £2 million
 Capital funding of up to £75,000 towards ‘community hubs'.
Revenue funding is used to cover the costs of providing day-to-day services.
We can provide revenue funding in two ways:
Unrestricted: can be spent on annual running costs of your organisation, such as salaries, heating, lighting, services, consumables and small items of equipment.

Restricted funding: can only be used for a specific project, activity or
designated purpose, as applied for or designated by us. For full guidance go to

Response, Recovery Fund
Whilst the first phase of funding focussed on meeting communities most immediate needs, the fund is now focussing on Recovery. As some lockdown restrictions are lifted, this phase of funding will support organisations to continue their operations in the ‘new normal', and to re-establish or re-design their activities to comply with new regulations. We will continue to provide emergency support for those who need it most.

From December, the funds priorities will focus on supporting organisations with their long-term planning, helping them become more sustainable in the future, despite the continued uncertainty. More information on the Resilience phase will be published here late November. Whilst we move into the final phase, please be
assured that the fund will not close at any time.

The focus of Recovery funding is to provide:
 Support for the ongoing needs of vulnerable people to ensure their health and wellbeing is maintained
 Support to groups and activities supporting vulnerable people self-isolating (for example the elderly or those people with pre-existing medical conditions)
 Support for foodbanks and organisations working to combat hardship caused by the pandemic including child hunger
 Support to aid community response coordination
 Support for volunteer costs for new and existing organisations
 Additional costs to support a move to remote working and adapting services delivered in the wider community
 Additional financial support as required for organisations providing emotional support, mental health and wellbeing and bereavement support
 Grants from £1,000 to £5,000 are available.
Caithness and North Sutherland Fund, You can apply for between £1,000 to £30,000 (requests for higher amounts may be considered in exceptional circumstances).
You can apply to Caithness and North Sutherland Fund if you are a:
 Voluntary or community organisation
 School Parent Council (not for statutory function)
 Community council
 Community groups
 Community development groups

They will not fund:
 Individuals and sole traders
 Operations for personal benefit
 Non-departmental public bodies
 Government departments
 Statutory bodies (for example, a local authority or health board)
 Funding consultant fees
For full guidance go to

Paul Hamlyn Foundation Funding has Re-Opened
There are five funding priorities:
 Investing in young people
 Migration and integration
 Arts access and participation
 Education and learning through the arts

ideas and people
The Youth Fund supports organisations whose main purpose is working with and for young people (aged 14-25) who face complex transitions to adulthood.
 Core funding grants up to £90,000 over three years
 Rolling application cycle - no deadlines
For guidance on all funds go to

Henry Smith Charity - Main Grants - Strengthening Communities Grants up to £60,000 are available to support the running costs of small community-based organisations working in the most deprived areas of the UK to help people to make positive changes in their lives. Deadline: Ongoing

Paths for All - Walking for Health Fund Grants up to £7,500 and up to £15,000 are available to a range of organisations working in Scotland for innovative and new approaches to significantly increase the number of people becoming active through walking. Deadline Ongoing

Bags of Help is Tesco's local community grant scheme, which funds thousands of community projects every year.  The projects must meet the criteria of bringing benefits to the community.  During October, November and December 2020 the grant scheme will provide grants of up to £1000 to support projects focused on local
children and young people.
This theme could cover a large mixture of local causes.  Examples include:
 Mental Health support for children and young people - COVID-19 has had an impact on the health and well being of children, particularly mental health. people including use of green spaces support well being through physical activities.
 Non statuary educational activities - to support, widen and rebuild
educational support networks for children, web based activities. Sport, exercise, and arts.
 Young carers– support for young carers as a result of current and continued
 Bereavement counselling – offering support to children that have lost family members and support networks due to COVID-19
 Child poverty – to support organisations that offer family support that are further impacted by COVID-19, which could include food/educational packs, free activities.
 Vulnerable at risk children – the pandemic has impacted vulnerable children with challenging home & family circumstances.
For guidance and how to apply go to

National Lottery funds are currently still open, but they are still prioritising Covid 19 related applications. They will support
 organisations supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19 such as older people, disabled people, people who have been pushed into crisis and people who are receiving end of life care.
 organisations supporting people most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis such as people from BAME communities, people from LGBT+ communities, people experiencing loneliness and social isolation, people with poor mental health and children and young people.
 organisations which connect communities and support communities to work
together to respond to COVID-19.
There is
 Awards For All
 Community led Activity
 Improving Lives
 Young Start
 Scottish Land Fund
Go to

Caithness Voluntary Group is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no SC150015, recognised as a charity in Scotland no SC002484, registered office.


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