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Leaving a Legacy to the Laurandy Day Care Centre

5th January 2019

Leaving a Legacy to the Laurandy Day Care Centre

Since the Laurandy Day Care Centre first opened many people and their families have benefited from the services of the centre. It is a centre available to the needs of the elderly in our community, and is here to help people in need of daily activities and to offer respite for carers.

We need to raise considerable funds to run the Laurandy Centre despite grants from the local authority - Highland Council. Legacies could be part of making sure we have a future and can care for people in years to come.

If you pass away without making a Will, your money and possessions that you worked hard for could be distributed in a way that you may not want. The taxman could also benefit more than you wish.

Making a Will is not difficult. Your solicitor will gladly assist you in drafting your Will. Or if you have already made one, you can alter it with a Codicil - a short document that takes account of your new wishes.

Whether or not you have already made a Will, please remember that the Laurandy Centre is striving to make life better for lederly and infirm people and depends on people like you. If you make a gift in your Will it could mean all the difference to many people in Caithness.

What sort of legacy can you leave?

- A Residuary Bequest: the residue of your estate after all other bequests, such as to family and friends, have been paid.
- A Pecuniary Bequest: a fixed amount of money stated in your will. This figure should be reviewed from time to time to allow for inflation.
- A Specific Bequest: a particular item, for example an antique, shares or a painting.

Why do I need a Will?
A Will is normally essential if you want to decide where your property and possessions will go after your death. If you don't leave a Will, and have no qualifying relatives, everything you own will go to the State.
Making a Will is your opportunity to safeguard the interests of those you care about most - your spouse, your partner, your children and grandchildren, and your friends.

If you do not leave a Will (and 3 out of 4 people do not), you could be leaving your family with increased legal costs to sort out your affairs - or with a heavier Inheritance Tax burden than they need to face.
A Will is an excellent way to continue helping good causes you've always supported in life. All gifts and legacies to UK charities are free from all Government taxes.
Reducing Inheritance Tax

The current tax threshold on the value of your taxable estate in 2003 is £250,000 - every pound over this amount, which is not exempt from tax is liable for Inheritance Tax at 40%.

If you use a tax exempt legacy e.g. to a Charity, this will reduce the level of your taxable estate and can bring your estate below the threshold.

Professional Advice

We recommend that you have professional advice from a Solicitor and have them draw up your Will.

If you do not have a Solicitor, there are lists of Solicitors available in various places, or we could provide you with one. Some solicitors offer services to make will free of charge from time to time and you can ask any solicitor if he offers that service. He will be paid if he is ever asked to by the executors to deal with the estate of deceased person.
Caithness Solicitors can be found HERE

How do I make a Will?

Take stock of your estate, including all your assets such as property, cars, furniture, shares, jewellery, etc.
Make a list of the names and addresses of all beneficiaries, including any UK charities.
Specify legacies or gifts, including a careful description of any personal possessions to be given to named people.
Decide who you wish to be your executor or executors, who will take responsibility for ensuring your Will is carried out as you requested. Executors can be a family member, your solicitor or family friend.
Appoint a Solicitor to prepare your Will. 'Doing it yourself', using a Will kit from a stationers, can sometimes cause your Will to be declared wholly or partially invalid, or fail to achieve what you intend.
Once your Will has been prepared, ensure that it is signed properly and finalised.
Ensure that your Will is put in a safe place, and make sure somebody knows where to find it.
Remember also ...

Keep your Will up-to-date according to changes in your circumstances, such as marriage, a birth in the family, or death of a beneficiary, etc. Have your Solicitor prepare a Codicil (addition) for any minor changes, or make a new Will for major changes.

If you have left a legacy or gift in your Will to the Laurandy Day Care Centre, please tell us about it. You can of course change your Will at a later date, but it is useful to know who is likely to help us in the future.
How to leave a legacy to the Laurandy Day Care Centre

A legacy or gift can be for a nominated sum, however large or small, a specific item (assets, shares), or all or part of an estate or residue thereof. All that you need to do is ask your Solicitor to write your Will to meet your wishes.
If you already have a Will it is easy to include a legacy to the Highland Hospice by having your Solicitor prepare a short Codicil (addition). A Codicil does not change the terms of your current Will, it simply adds a new instruction. You should ensure that any Codicil is put in safekeeping with your Will.

Please do not try to change or add anything to your current Will by crossing out or writing in new instructions as this can invalidate it. If you wish to make several changes at the same time, it is probably best to have the Will re-written to include all your changes in a new document.

A legacy to the Laurandy Day Care Centre could mean all the difference to many people and their families in Caithness. Please help us to help others and safeguard the future of the Laurandy Day Care Centre.

To discuss leaving a legacy in your Will to the Hospice, please call the Laurandy Day Care Centre on 01955 606567. All calls will be treated in strictest confidence.


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