The Lost Village of Badryrie
28th May 2019
A walk with the Rangers to see the village.
See poster for details and how to book.
David B. Miller
As one travels over the far-famed Causewayrnire road - the A895 - from Georgemas to Latheron, the isolated oasis of Rangag is passed. A small community surrounded by the boundless moors of Caithness, growing less in population as the years go by. Until the second world war there were, in addition to the schoolteacher and gamekeeper, about half a dozen farms and crofts one of which kept a shop with a travelling horse-drawn van. Before the first world war there were about a dozen. Now the whole district is divided between two farms whilst an odd house or two is still occupied by pensioners. At the former school of Achavanich ('the field of the monks') the road forks, the traveller making for Badryrie taking the road to the left which ends at the village of Lybster, seven miles distant. Here at Achavanich, the now disused school built about 1875 to replace the older schools of Rangag and Munsary served in its heyday an area within a radius of about five kilometres with a roll of forty odd pupils. The road we take, about a kilometre on, passes on the left the picturesque Loch Stemster nestling amid Its lonely hills. At this point on the left a farm road crossing over a cattle grid winds round the north side of the loch until it too forks at a point near the old ruined farmstead of Achkinlochbeg (the small field at the head of the loch).
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Articles about Badryrie -
Badryrie - An Abandoned Crofting Community In Latheron
The Badryrie Project 1984
Badryrie Wood
Badryrie Wood - 18 Years on by Ken Butler
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