Francis Street Bowlers, Wick Supports 3 Local Groups
15th April 2019

On Saturday 13th April 2019 the members of Francis Street Bowlers made three generous donation to three local groups.
A day spent playing bowls at the opening day of the season at Thurso Bowling Club was followed by a buffet tea after which they presented the cheques.
The three groups were -
Wick Youth Club £200
Laurandy Day Centre £250
League of Friends of Caithness General Hospital £200.
Bill Fernie, chairman of Laurandy Day Centre thanked the members of the Francis Street Bowlers for their donations. He said, "We are fortunate to have such generosity towards charitable works in our community. The work of all of the groups play an important part in making things work well in our area. The constant need to raise funds is made much easier by such donations like these."
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