Caithness Community Planning Partnership - Next Meeting
11th April 2019
The next meeting of the
Caithness Community Planning Partnership
Will take place on Wednesday 17th of April 2019
The Pentland Hotel, Thurso.
11:00am - 1:00pm.
Agenda Items
* Aspiring Communities - Highland update - Ian Donald, Deputy Chief Officer, Highland Third Sector Interface
* Locality Plans - Lybster, Dunbeath, Berriedale, Castletown, Wick, Thurso -
* Children's Plan - Highland Council
* Adult plan - NHS Highland
*Community Learning & Development - Angela Simpson, HIE
For more information go to -
Caithness Community Planning Partnership is led by the five statutory bodies; Highlands and Island Enterprise, Police Scotland, Highland Council, Scottish Fire and Rescue Services and NHS Highland. They work alongside other agencies organisations and local communities to deliver community planning for Caithness. They seek to improve local outcomes in Caithness, with a view to reducing inequalities.
This meeting is open to the general public and gives the opportunity to hear the agencies develop their plan for Caithness and for these plans to be informed by the Community.