Caithness Defirillator Campaign - Latest Donation £600
23rd February 2019
The Caithness Defibrillator Campaign were delighted to receive another donation.
"We were delighted to visit the Pentland Housing Association Office this week where Modern Apprentice Kaitlyn Sutherland handed over a £600 cheque to our Chairman Billy Mitchell & our volunteers Bob Bell, Ron Gunn and Kay Rosie."
Pentland Housing staff organised a 70s/80s disco in Thurso's Royal British Legion Club as well as staging an office dress-down day and selling home baking which raised £400, & was topped up by a £200 donation from the Pentland Housing Group Board.
This money will help to provide a new Public Access Defibrillator in Thurso.
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Caithness defibrillator campaign group (cdcg) big donation
The Caithness Defibrillator Campaign Group (CDCG) would like to express their thanks to local couple John and Lorna Mackenzie for their most generous donation of £2,000 for the installation of a Public Access Defibrillator at Lieurary Hall. John and Lorna said "We are glad to help as it will be very worthwhile and a great benefit to the local community hopefully it will never be needed but if it helps towards saving a life, then that would be the biggest reward to us." John and Lorna also thanked Billy Mitchell (Chairman CDCG) for arranging the purchase and installation through the Community Heartbeat Trust for them and thanked the group for all the hard work that goes towards such a worthwhile cause.
Where are the Defibrilators in Caithness? - See the list.
list attached. No LOCATION ACCESS 1 BERRIEDALE - Berriedale Portland Estate Office KW7 6HE Public Access 24/7 2 BOWER - Subsea 7 Hastigrow Fabrication Facility KW1 4TP Public Access 24/7 3 BRIDGE of WESTER - Subsea 7 Wester Site, KW1 4UR Public Access 24/7.