School's Out: Booking Opens Saturday 2nd June
23rd May 2018
Highlife Highland - Summer Actvities.
We hope you're enjoying choosing activities for all the family using our activity catalogue. Don't worry if you've not made your final decision yet, you can still view all the activities via the link below!
Activity booking opens on Saturday 2nd June. If you hold an All-Inclusive or Budget leisure membership you'll be eligible to access the pre-sale from 8am. General booking will open at 12 Noon.
The easiest way to book is online using our booking website alternatively, you can phone our booking call centre on 01463 667510.
The call centre is open from:
Sat 2nd June - Fri 8th June: 8am-4pm
5 things you need to know about booking!
Don't miss out on booking your activities, make sure you're ready to book with our essential guide!