Newton Hill Community Woodland Volunteer Days
19th March 2018
Sun 25th Mar and Sun 1st Apr 2018
10.30am to 3.30pm.
We have our annual batch of trees from the TCV, now at the woodland and ready for planting.
Any time you can spend helping within 10.30 to 3.30pm on any of the days for whatever duration suits you would be appreciated.
Everyone is most welcome to come along and lend a little help to add some more trees to those already growing.
What to bring: gloves, drinks, snack, suitable outdoor footwear & clothing.
Cottage will be open for breaks and lunch.
Tools (spades, barrows, tree shoulder bags) provided but by all means take your own spade.
Tuition given on activities.
For further information contact:
Billy Nicolson 01955604408 Willie Bruce 01955603512
(Check here for any bad weather cancellations)
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