Your Cash Your Caithness event Saturday 19 November 2016
12th November 2016
Following the initial bidding process 15 projects now have a chance to put their idea to the public vote . There is £30,000.00 on offer with applications received totalling £40,464.00.
The participatory budgeting event will take place in the Pulteney Centre, Huddart Street, Wick with registration from 9.30 am and will start at 10.15 am sharp until around 1.30 pm on Saturday 19th November 2016. Each applicant will be given a 5 minute slot, 3 minutes to sell their project to the audience and 2 minutes for any questions then a vote will take place at the end of the event to determine which projects are successful. Voting will be open to anyone aged 14 or over on the 19th November 2016.
Caithness Civic Leader and Landward Ward Councillor Gillian Coghill, who sits on the local implementation steering group, said "This is very much handing decision making to the Community; it is the first stage in returning community empowerment to the most local level. This will be the third Your Cash Your Caithness event held in the County and I would encourage anyone interested in the process to come along to support the local groups, make their vote count and make this event as successful as the previous ones.
Crèche facilities will be available for those attending the event and this should be booked through the Pulteney Centre by Thursday 17th November 2016 on 01955 608530