Highland Independent Councillors Launch New Web Site
22nd September 2016
The majority of councillors in Highland are independents with no party allegiances. Once they were the majority like Shetland and Orkney but the new voting system with multi-member wards reduced their numbers giving political parties more representation.
Independents now have to deal with social media that the political parties have been swifter to use to get their messages out. Now whilst remaining independent local councillors with no party to support them feel they must use the same social media - web site, Facebook and twitter etc to make sure that it can be seen that independent councillors have a lot to offer to their areas. A new web site www.highland-independent-councillors.org will allow for profiles and news for independents to have as much coverage as the political groupings in Highland Council.
Apart from being on the council independent councillors serve their communities on many many other voluntary and community groups.
Independent councillors have run the council for over a year since the break up of the SNP/Labour/LibDem coalition broke up. Of course there are many differences of opinion with in such a wide variety of people but they come with a huge breadth of experience from education, business, community, social work, police and much more.
With no political masters in Edinburgh to answer to independent councillors try to represent localities and will speak out against policies emanating from the capital if they feel it is not in the best interests of people in all parts of Highland. benefits.
Do independents argue? - You bet they do. However it is with a getting things done attitude and working hard to get the best for our whole area that is the one thing we are collectively working for.
From the start of the new administration independents have set out to make their mark and it came with a statement called Highland First
Why cannot independents just act alone all the time? To run things and make a mark means getting in a position to decide things and that means being on the committees and getting a consensus for everything. The independent group does not have an overall majority and must rely on getting agreements from other groups of independents and at least some of the political party groups.
See The Independent Highland Councillors on Facebook
And on Twitter https://twitter.com/Indycouncillors
If you would like to encourage independent councillors in Highland like our Facebook page and mark our new web site in your favourites. Keep up with us on Twitter as we gradually increase our news of what we all do for the Highlands and in our wards