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Your Cash Your Caithness - More Council Funding For Caithness Groups

16th March 2016

Caithness Members of The Highland Council have set aside £30k from the Ward Discretionary Budget to let the local community decide for themselves which projects are needed in their area. Whether you want to organise a dance for young people, a healthy living project, a crime prevention idea, a lunch club for older residents, a community art project, the only limit is your imagination.

How do you apply?

To apply for up to £3,000 for your project you must submit your application before 5pm on Friday 6th May 2016. If your idea fits, the community will get to vote for the best ideas at an event to be held on Saturday 28th May 2016 in Thurso High School from 09.30 am

At the event you will be required to talk about your idea to the community. Those in attendance will then vote on all the applications and a decision will be made on the day.

Thurso Councillor Roger Saxon who sits on the local implementation working group said: This is handing decision making back to the Community and it is the first stage in returning community empowerment to the most local level. I would encourage as many individuals or groups as possible across Caithness to take part in this initiative to get the funding they are looking for. The pilot event held in Wick back in November last year was a fun event. It was a great success and is now being replicated right across the Highland area and I have no doubt that this success will be repeated in May.

Wick Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of the Highland Council Resources committee and budget leader said, The independent administration have always been determined to push forward on local decision making and putting funds directly to local meetings with local votes directly gives sense of being involved with a more open approach than in the past. The decisions may be different but they are right at the grass roots of our community. The independent administration will continue to look at ways of making more council decisions back nearer to where people live and not beyond the horizon in Inverness.

Application forms can be accessed online from the Highland Council webs site at or by contacting [email protected] 01955 609960 Caithness Voluntary Group or [email protected] 07557918564, Sinclair Bay Community Council, who will also be able to provide information and assistance with the application process.