Highland Council primary schools to compete in Scotland-wide Euroquiz
8th March 2016
Primary 6 pupils from schools in Highland Council will compete in the local heats of a Scotland-wide quiz on Europe on Wednesday 9 March 2016 which has been organised by the award-winning Scottish European Educational Trust, with the support of the European Parliament Office in the UK.
Thirty three schools will take part in the Highland Council heat, which will take place on 9 March at Dingwall Academy, with pupils arriving from 10am for a 10.30am start. Pupils will compete in teams of four and the winners will go on to represent their local authority at the national final.
The final will be held in May 2016 at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh where the winners from Highland will compete against 30 other local authority teams.
The type of questions the pupils could be asked are:
• Lego was created by a carpenter called Ole Kirk Christiansen. In which European country did it originate?
• In which European language is the following phrase written: Hallo, ik heet Pieter. Hoe heet jij?
• What is the name of the Swedish currency?
If you don't know the answers, just ask the Primary 6 pupils taking part in this year’s Euroquiz!
As well as questions covering history, geography, sport, culture, and the EU, this year’s Euroquiz has a language round where pupils can test their knowledge of French, German, Spanish or Italian.