Two Groups Receive Cheques
7th March 2016
TWO Caithness charities have benefitted from a sponsored village fireworks and bonfire fundraiser.
Macmillan Cancer Support and Caithness Heart Support Group each received £250 at a double presentation ceremony in Watten recently.
Both awards acknowledged the sterling efforts of the late, Donald Mackay, a former chairman of the heart support group and a Watten community champion, and his wife, Dianne, a staunch Macmillan supporter.
Donald was involved in the first bonfire and fireworks organised at Mansfield, near Watten as a spectacular welcome to the New Year 2015. It was so successful that the organisers decided to repeat it and make it a charity event, in 2016. Sadly, Donald passed away in October.
Marge Donaldson (pictured bottom left) secretary of Caithness Heart Support Group and Michelle Macgregor, treasurer of Macmillan Cancer Support, Wick (top right) were delighted to receive the bumper cheques at Watten hall, last week.
Handing them over were Emily MacAulay, (top left with her dad Angus one of the bonfire/fireworks volunteers) and standing in front of them, Emily Campbell, daughter of another local volunteer, Ivor Campbell. Also pictured ( bottom right) is Donald Mackay's son, volunteer Gordon and his son, Kian.