Chance to represent local views as Community Council nominations open
22nd September 2015
The process for creating new community councils across the Highlands has begun and The Highland Council is encouraging anyone interested in acting as a voice for their local area to put themselves forward.
Community Councils are voluntary organisations that express the views and concerns of local people within their area across a wide range of issues from new buildings and roads to local services and facilities. They also have statutory duties and in some areas receive Community Benefit money from windfarm projects which they can reinvest in the community.
Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson said: "Under the
Scheme of Community Councils elections must be held this Autumn to create 154 new Councils across the Highlands. It can be a very rewarding role as a lot of the focus is about making positive changes and improvements to bring direct benefits to people living and working in local communities. It is also a good opportunity to join us and other partner agencies as we look at new ways to deliver services and bring more economic benefits to areas.
"It's important that a wide range of people are Community Councillors which is why we have been actively campaigning and working with schools to get more young people involved. Personally I would be delighted to see more prospective candidates and electors from the 16-18 age range. By getting involved they are in a better position to express the priorities and aspirations of their peers and their views and opinions on how to make sure their community is a good place to live for all age groups will be very valid."
Elections will take place on Wednesday 18 November 2015 in cases where the number of valid Nominations exceeds the membership number of the relevant Community Council.
Anyone wishing to stand must be entered in the current Electoral Register for the Community Council area, or if aged 16 or 17 years old, have completed a Voter Registration application.
Nomination forms and copies of the scheme for the establishment of Community Councils can be downloaded from the Highland Council Website at; obtained on request, by e-mail to elections[AT], or from the Council's Service Centre (Tel 01349 886606).
Completed nomination forms must be submitted to the appropriate Ward Manager and must be received not later than 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday 6 October 2015. Ward Managers will accept e-mailed copies of the Form, so long as it has been correctly completed and contains the signature of the candidate and witness.