Your Cash Your Caithness - call for communities to apply for funding
14th September 2015
Community and voluntary groups across the north are invited to apply for funding to put their ideas into action and bring benefits to their local communities.
Caithness Members of The Highland Council have set aside £30k from the Ward Discretionary Budget to let the local community decide for themselves which projects are needed in their area Whether you want to organise a dance for young people, a healthy living project, a crime prevention idea, a lunch club for older residents, a community art project, all ideas, large and small are welcome.
Any local community, voluntary or non-profit organisation, even informal groups, can apply for up to £3,000. To be valid all activities will have to happen in Caithness and benefit local people.
Applications must be submitted before 5pm on Monday 19 October. If your idea fits, the community will get the opportunity to vote for the best ideas at an event to be held on Saturday 21st November 2015 in the Pulteney Centre, Huddart Street, Wick from 10am.
At this event applicants will be required to present their idea to the community. Those attending will then have the chance to vote on all the applications and a decision will be made on the day.
Councillor Gillian Coghill who sits on the local implementation working group said: "This is handing decision making to the Community and is the first stage in returning community empowerment to the most local level. I would encourage as many individuals or groups to take part in this pilot initiative to ensure its success."
Application forms can be accessed online from the Highland Council webs site at
or by contacting Yvonne[AT] 01955609960 Caithness Voluntary Group or Kimberley_spiers[AT] 07557918564, Sinclair Bay Community Council who will also be able to provide information and assistance with the application process.