ERI Seminar series: Berry good for you? Berries and human health
23rd April 2015
5th May 2015
5.30pm - 6.30pm
ERI, Castle Street, Thurso.
Dr Gordon McDougall, from the James Hutton Institute, will give a talk entitled "Berry good for you? Berries and human health".
Berries have had a historical, almost mythical, association with health. They feature in traditional medicines of Native Indian and other ancient peoples. They are mentioned as cures in Scots lore. They are used as symbols in great paintings and feature in Greek and Norse mythology. This talk will outline the possible health benefits of berries, their chemical composition and give an idea of what happens to these components in the human body.
Dr Gordon McDougall has worked as a research scientist for nearly 30 years. His main interests are in natural products from plants and their ability to influence human health. Currently, he leads research on the potential health effects of berry components, their role in disease processes and their fate in the human body.