Our focus, your priorities for community safety say Police and Fire Services
4th December 2014
Officers from Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will be attending Highland Council Ward Forum Meetings over the coming weeks.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend the local meetings and have their chance to comment on the priorities for community safety in their community.
The focus of these meetings is to reduce crime and disorder, to increase public reassurance within local communities and to keep people safe. This consultation process informs the Multi-Member Ward Priorities for Highland.
Chief Superintendent Julian Innes said: "The communities of the Highland and Islands are well used to and enjoy the community style of policing. This style is based on the feedback we receive from our local communities. These public meetings are an opportunity to engage with us, let us know what is important locally, what our priorities should be and what we can do better.
Local, community led policing is at the heart of Police Scotland. Within the Highland and Islands Division we continue to see reducing crime rates achieved through hard work, determination and effective and co-ordinated partnership working in our communities.
Highland is a safe place in which to live, visit, work and bring up a family. This consultation process assists us in focusing our resources in areas which matter to you. This is what community policing is about, and that is what we aim to deliver."
Local Senior Officer for SFRS, Scott Hay said: "We value working in partnership. It reduces risk in our communities and delivers services where they are needed.
"I am delighted to be part of this joint consultation process with our Police colleagues in engaging with people in our communities. This is vitally important to get a better understanding of local concerns and challenges regarding risk reduction, as well as making our communities safer, and more importantly, feel safer.
"The Fire and Rescue Service in Highland is provided and delivered in partnership with our communities - our firefighters are your friends and neighbours. This is by far the best and most effective way to ensure our service is tailored to local need. And that's why we need communities to come forward and ensure their views are at the core of our decision making."
Chair of the Community Safety, Public Engagement and Equalities Committee, Cllr Angela MacLean encouraged communities to attend Ward Forums in their area. She said: "Working together to prevent crime and keep our neighbourhoods safe is everyone's responsibility. This is your opportunity to meet with local officers, raise any concerns and say what is important to you."
The following dates have been confirmed and further dates will be made available when added.
CROMARTY FIRTH WARD- 4th December 2014- Heritage Centre, Alness at 7.30pm
TAIN & EASTER ROSS WARD- 10th December 2014- Tain Parish Church Hall, Queen Street, Tain.
CAITHNESS (Combining WICK, THURSO & LANDWARD CAITHNESS wards)- 15th December 2014- Wick Town Hall - 7.00pm