Abandoned flares - Wick
24th October 2014
Between Thursday 16 and Friday 17 October 2014, a number of flares and smoke markers were discarded outside Wick Coast Guard Office, in full view of passing members of the public, including children. If activated in a public place, these items could potentially cause serious injury and damage to property.
Police Scotland and HM Coastguard urge members of the public to ensure such items are disposed of safely, ideally through licensed selling agents. If selling agents are not available the Coastguard can offer suitable advice on disposal. Police Scotland would also like to remind the public that disposing of flares / smoke markers recklessly may result in prosecution.
Anyone who has any information on the incident is encouraged to contact Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.