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Local museums lead the way

26th September 2014

Over the coming months staff and volunteers from museums across Highland and Moray will be taking part in a series of professional development workshops covering all aspects of collections management. The diverse programme ranges from documentation, conservation, archaeological finds to making the most of retail opportunities and working with schools.

Each of the 8 sessions will be led by an expert in their field, able to take a realistic and practical approach helping local museums improve the services they deliver.

Lorna Cruickshank, The Council's Independent Museums Officer who is organising the programme on behalf of the Highland and Moray Museums and Heritage Partnership said: "Take up of these opportunities has been amazing with several courses fully booked and others with only a few places left. The majority of the museums in the area depend largely on volunteers to deliver a high quality and professional service for both local people and very importantly visitors to the area. The courses on offer are designed to ensure our local museums have staff with the necessary skills and techniques to make the most of their collections and ensure the highest standards of museum practice. In addition they are proving to be a great place for informal discussion and networking giving small voluntary organisations the opportunity to share experiences and support each other."

Lorna added: "Local museums and heritage groups are always looking for volunteers to become involved in all aspects of their work. It's a great way to learn more about local history, meet new people, learn new skills and make a valuable and lasting contribution to the community."

Feedback from the first Collections session earlier this month was extremely positive with a participant from Cromarty Courthouse commenting:

"I just wanted to say how good I thought the training was today - very clearly presented - and gives me a useful grasp of all that a museum needs to have in place. So thank you for arranging the day and what looks like a very interesting future programme."

The programme has been funded by Museums Galleries Scotland and courses will be taking place between now and February next year at venues chosen to be accessible to the 52 museums and heritage groups in Highland and Moray. The programme is on target to deliver training to over 180 individuals.

Museums and Visitor Centres In Caithness
Caithness Horizons

Wick Heritage Museum

Clan Gunn Museum

Castletown Heritage

Mary Ann's Cottage

Laidhay Preservation Trust

Castle Of Mey

Dunbeath Heritage Centre

Caithness Broch Centre

Seadrift Centre - Dunnet

Waterlines - Lybster

Last House Museum - John O'Groats

North Highland Archive

St Fergus Gallery - Wick

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