8th August 2014
97% of callers to Skills Development Scotland's Exam Results Helpline would recommend the service.
This year's Helpline received 1200 calls during the first two days of operation.
Career coaches were on hand to offer young people and their parents help, information and advice on next steps.
Two-thirds of calls came from pupils and over half of that number hadn't received the results they expected. However, ten per cent of callers had received better results than anticipated.
SDS Operations Director Danny Logue said: "This is the 22nd year of our Helpline and this year's feedback has shown how important the expert advice given by our careers advisers is to young people and their parents."
Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages Dr Alasdair Allan said: "The Skills Development Scotland helpline provides an invaluable resource for learners who are unsure about their next move after getting this week’s exam results.
"I have seen first-hand the excellent advice call handlers provide, so I am delighted that the overwhelming majority of callers have found the service so useful."
The Helpline will be open from 9am until 5pm until 13 August on 0808 100 8000 and further information is available on the SDS web service