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Wick Youth Discovery Day

6th August 2014

Photograph of Wick Youth Discovery Day

Wick's Youth Network is inviting all youth organisations to the Wick Discovery Day on Saturday 13th September, from 11am-3pm at the Rosebank Recreational Park and Pavilion.

The purpose of the day is to allow Youth Groups or workers operating in the Wick High School catchment to engage with the public for whatever purpose would best advance their activities and objectives. These may include:
 Recruitment of new members or volunteers
 To publicise the work of your group, lay on demonstrations or performances
 To convey a message or information to the public
 To raise funds for your group
 To engage with the community and network with other groups

As an attraction to draw young people and their parents in to the event, we have booked Great Glen Adventures of Fort Augustus to bring Walk on Water Balls with a mobile pool to the Rosebank, and will also have our Archery instructor on hand to offer sessions. The Rosebank's usual facilities of tennis, bowling, bouncy castle and refreshments will also beopen.

There is no cost to groups who wish to participate by means of recruitment, demonstrations, displays etc. For groups who wish to use the opportunity to fundraise, there is a small charge of £10 payable to High Life Highland.

If your group would like to take advantage of this opportunity and join in the fun of the day, please complete the form CLICK HERE FOR THE FORM
remembering to detail your requirements for space etc, and whether you will be taking any large items that we need
to make considerations for. This may be returned to me either by post or email using the details below

Please feel free to share this opportunity with other Youth Groups who may be interested.

Keith Moncur
Youth Development Officer
Wick High School
West Banks Avenue
Tel 07774 337688U