CNSF Receives NDA Next Instalment Of £300K
1st July 2014
The Caithness & North Sutherland Fund (CNSF), a grant body funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), received its second instalment of £300k at a recent stakeholder event held in the new low level waste repository vault at the Dounreay site. This funding is the latest instalment of the NDA's £4M community benefit package being provided via DSRL. CNSF received £1M at the start of the vault's construction and will receive further instalments of £300k pa from 2014 to 2023.
Since receiving the initial million pounds the Fund has awarded over £855k to 65 community led projects that help continue to make Caithness & North Sutherland an attractive place to live work and invest. The total value of these projects is in excess of £4.4m. The new rugby sports pavilion in Thurso, the woodland shelter in Dunnet Forest, the Transport for Tongue initiative and the Wick Coastal Rowing Club are just a few examples of community projects supported by the Fund.
David Batters, the NDA's Chief Financial Officer said, "I am pleased the NDA money is being used for a wide variety of projects that are bringing lasting benefit to the communities living near Dounreay. The CNSFund Directors are doing a great job in making sure the funds are being invested well."
CNSFund Chairman John Henderson said, "The Fund has been able to support a wide range of exceptional community projects that will benefit our communities for many years to come. Caithness & North Sutherland is an attractive thriving community to live work and invest in and we look forward to continue supporting worthy initiatives that deliver a valuable contribution to the sustainable future of the Dounreay travel to work area."
CNSF is managed by a Board of local representatives. The Board is seeking applicants for a new director to fill a vacancy that has come about as a result of a scheduled retirement at the 2014 AGM. The successful candidate will also become a member of the Fund's Assessment Committee which holds quarterly meetings. The Board is keen to hear from individuals with a good knowledge of our community/ voluntary sector and who have a good understanding of the needs of the local communities. In order to maintain a geographic balance, candidates from the East Caithness area are particularly encouraged to come forward to fill this vacancy.
Further information or on how to apply can be found by contacting the Fund Coordinator David Shearer on Tel: 07841 204 982 or Email: enquiries[AT] closing date for Director Vacancy applications is the 25th of July 2014.
Grants applications are reviewed quarterly and details can be found on the web site -
Left to Right - David Shearer - CNSF Fund Coordinator. David Batters - NDA Chief Financial Officer.