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Community views sought before next round of LEADER funding in Highland

31st May 2014

The Highland Council has appointed a consultancy firm to assist with the preparation of the new 2014-2020 Highland LEADER Development Strategy. LEADER is a European grant fund aimed at rural community development projects. The 2007-13 LEADER programme saw some £14.7 million of grant funding awarded to over 360 community projects in Highland.

As part of the preparation for the next funding round, a series of public meetings across Highland are planned between 16th- 27th June this year. These will be designed to gather the views of communities on what they see as priorities for local development in the coming years. Feedback will inform the new Highland LEADER Development Strategy which has to be submitted to the Scottish Government for approval in September this year, in order to secure funds for the new programme.

Further information on these events will be posted on the Highland LEADER website and in local press, as soon as it is available. Alternatively you can contact the LEADER team directly on 01463 702 548 for further