Would you like to open your doors this year?
28th May 2014
People with interesting buildings in The Highland Council area which are not normally open to the public are being invited to open them up for a day as part of the Highland Doors Open Days programme in September this year.
Highland Doors Open Days is part of the Scottish Doors Open Days programme, which is, in turn, part of the European Heritage Days initiative. Its aim is to offer the public the chance to see inside buildings, or parts of buildings, which are not normally open to the public. Buildings featured can be old or new, and owned by public organisations, businesses, community groups or private individuals.
The list of buildings which took part last year included historic churches, a privately-owned castle, a workshop specialising in manufacturing eco-houses, and state-of-the-art modern buildings such as the Highland Archive Centre.
Some of the buildings which take part are only open to the public during Door Opens Days, whilst others use the event as a chance to let people "see behind the scenes" or enjoy specially-organised tours or events. Admission to Doors Open Days venues must be free of charge but charges can be made for any optional tours, refreshments etc.
Councillor Thomas Prag, Chair of The Highland Council's Development and Infrastructure Committee said: "The Highland Council area has a wealth of fascinating buildings, old and new, and this is a once-a-year opportunity to show them off! People love to get the chance to look inside some of these gems - not always the obvious ones either. My visit to the Courts at Inverness Castle last year included a look inside the cells and the prisoner transfer vehicles!"
Participation in Highland Doors Open Days, including listings in the event brochure, website and local and national publicity, is completely free of charge. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Rowan Tree Consulting who are organising the event on behalf of The Highland Council, email helen[AT]rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk, tel. 01463 715225. For more information about Doors Open Days, please visit www.doorsopendays.org.uk