Council warning over rogue traders and fly tipping
13th May 2014
The Highland Council’s Trading Standards team are warning householders that they are aware of a number of doorstep traders currently operating in the area and carrying out exterior home maintenance work.
Trading Standards Manager Gordon Robb said: “Householders are urged to be on their guard if they are cold called.
Members of the public should not be misled by rogue traders who appear to be very professional, smartly dressed, use new vehicles, and provide professionally made flyers and street signage offering their services. The names, addresses and telephone numbers being provided by the rogue traders have been found to be misleading, sometimes completely false, and this will mean the householder will find it very difficult to contact the trader should, for example, the workmanship be of a very poor standard.”
The Council’s Trading Standards team can be contacted on 01463 228700.
The Council is also taking this opportunity to highlighting that an increase in fly tipping can result from such exterior home maintenance work and is reminding anyone who engages contractors to carry out driveway, garden, or house improvements that they should ensure that the contractor will dispose of their waste in a lawful and safe way and not fly-tip it to save money. Not only does flytipping harm the environment but it and costs time and council tax payers’ money to clear-up.
Members of the public who are suspicious of a contractor or who see fly tipping should report the matter immediately to the Council by phoning 01349 886606.
Further advice about beating doorstep crime can be found on the Police Scotland website