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Postal votes for European Parliamentary Elections

1st May 2014

A total 30,068 Highland residents have asked to vote by post at the forthcoming European Parliamentary elections.

Postal votes are being sent out today 1 May and a second issue will be dispatched on 12 May.

The deadline for new postal vote and postal proxy applications, and changes to existing arrangements is 5pm on Wednesday 7 May.

Each Postal pack will contain: a quick guide to voting; a ballot paper; postal voting statement / envelope marked ‘A’; and an envelope marked ‘B’

Once received, voters must complete the ballot paper by marking a cross (X) in the box next to their election choice and this should be enclosed in envelope A and sealed along with the postal vote statement which should be filled in with their date of birth and signature.

Both documents should then be placed in the outer envelope B (ensuring that the Dingwall freepost address shows through the window of envelope B). No stamp is required on envelope B to post back to the Local Returning Officer.

Postal voters are asked to ensure they send their vote back so that it arrives by close of poll, which is 10pm on Thursday 22 May. If it arrives later than this, the vote will not be counted. Postal vote packs can also be handed in on polling day (22 May between 7am and 10pm) at any polling station in the Highland area if the elector forgets to post their completed postal pack back in time for Thursday, 22 May.

A total of 265 polling stations across the Highlands are being used. To find a local polling place voters can use the online “Polling Station Finder” on the on the Council’s website at

In Scotland, there are 9 parties featured on the ballot paper. Each party has put forward a list of candidates
known as a regional list and the names appear in order of priority.

The count will take place on Sunday 25 May 2014 at Highland Football Academy, Jubilee Park Road, Dingwall. The result will be relayed to the Regional Returning Officer for Scotland, who is expected to announce the six successful Scottish MEPS the following day.

Voters are reminded that the deadlines for registering to vote in the European Parliamentary Elections are as follows:
· Register to vote - Tuesday 6 May 2014
· New postal vote applications (including proxies to apply by post) - 5pm Wednesday 7 May 2014
· To cancel or alter postal and proxy votes, or to change from postal to proxy voting - by 5pm on Wednesday 7 May 2014
· New proxy vote applications - by 5pm on Wednesday 14 May 2014
· To vote by proxy, after 14 May, on the grounds of a medical emergency or where you learn you cannot go to a polling station because of work purposes - by 5pm on Thursday 22 May 2014

Forms can be downloaded from here
or please contact the Electoral Registration by telephone on 0800 393 783 or by email ero[AT]