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Labour MSP Rhoda Grant Supports More Action To Prevent Bird Poisonings

22nd April 2014

Highlands & Islands (Labour) MSP Rhoda Grant has claimed that more needs to be done to prevent a repeat of the carnage of the birds of prey in a small area of Ross Shire.

So far tests have confirmed 13 of the 20 birds were poisoned. Nature-based tourism is said to be worth £1.4bn a year to the Scottish economy.

Highlands & Islands (Labour) MSP Rhoda Grant has claimed that more needs to be done to prevent a repeat of the carnage of the birds of prey in a small area of Ross Shire.

She said “Like most people, I am appalled at the wanton destruction of such magnificent creatures and recognise that we cannot jump to conclusions until such a time as the Police investigation is complete”.

“Whatever the outcome, we as a community have to make sure that there is no repeat, because as well as the unnecessary and cruel killings of these 20 birds, there is a knock on effect to other aspects of community life. Wildlife is a huge draw and attraction for many tourists. If we do not tackle this issue now, then the wildlife tourist industry and all the positive economic advantages to the local economy brought by tourists flocking to see our wildlife, will be severely damaged”.

“We have to help the Police enquiry as best we can, but I will also be writing to the Cabinet Secretary for the Environment and Rural Affairs, to ask that the Scottish Government considers a pesticide amnesty to allow farmers, gamekeepers and others in similar occupations to safely destroy unwanted poisons. I would also ask anyone who has stocks of chemicals that could lead to poisoning to check that they are securely contained”. She continued “However, if this turns out to be a case of deliberate poisoning I would hope that the justice system will deliver a punishment at a level that will deter anyone who would carry out such a despicable act. We need to take all necessary steps to make sure that this type of incident never happens again”.