Let's All Support Wick High Group Heading To Belarus
25th February 2014
Wick High School's trip to Belarus draws ever closer and this Saturday saw a team of enthusiastic young people back in the school to get busy with our fund-raising activities.
The team of 15 young people will be heading to volunteer in Belarus for two weeks over the summer holidays with the charity Stand International. In order to finance this, a range of enterprises have been set up in conjunction with Wick High School and the local social enterprise, WickEd'.
Hats are being knitted, soap and candles are being made and fresh fruit and smoothies are all being sold to both to the community and within the school itself.
This Saturday's video was to promote the soap and candle enterprise and has already proved very popular across a range of social media platforms. Suffice to say that a giant rubber duck, an enthusiastic young man sporting a wet suit and a 50s rock n roll classic have combined to produce an advert that shows the individual characteristics of Wick's young people very successfully!
The Easter Fair will feature all of the products for sale on April 5th and you can follow our progress using the hashtag #Belarus2014 on Twitter or follow us [AT]wickbelarus2014
You can also view our videos so far on http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeN52JHe9HLw_25fteBEATA/videos