Funding Opportunity - Hub Development Fund
31st January 2014
Creative Scotland has announced the launch of a new fund to help boost youth arts provision across Scotland. The �3.5million Hub Development Fund will support partnerships between national and regional youth arts and other youth service providers, to deliver youth arts provision across a range of artforms.
The fund will be open to Scottish based arts and cultural organisations with a proven track record in delivering quality youth arts programmes. To be eligible, organisations will be required to work in partnership with other providers of youth services across more than one artform.
It is anticipated that supported organisations will act as local, regional and national area �hubs� coordinating improved collaboration between local and national youth arts providers and other youth service providers. It is anticipated that around six to eight hubs will receive funding and Awards are likely to range from �200,000 - �300,000.
The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 28th February 2014.